Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Irwin, Joyce: The Orthodox Lutheranism of Mattheson and Bach. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 2. | Maul, Michael: New Light on the Controversy between Bach and Scheibe. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 3. | Wollny, Peter: Bach's Cantata Performances in the 1730s--New Findings, New Perspectives. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 4. | Paczkowski, Szymon: 'In the Most Honorable Minister's House:' The musical interests and patronage of Jakob Heinrich Flemming, and his possible contacts with J.S. Bach. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 5. | Talle, Andrew: A New Look at 'Sperontes Singende Muse an der Pleiße'. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 6. | Hartinger, Anselm: Johann Gottlieb Goldberg and the Composition of Trios within the Context of Bach's Later Works. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 7. | Oleskiewicz, Mary: Bachs in Berlin: The Courts of Brandenburg-Prussia As Background to Instrumental Works of J.S., W.F., and C.P.E. Bach. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 8. | Schulenberg, David: An Uncertain Legacy: Two Instrumental Works Attributed to W.F. Bach (1710-1784). [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 9. | Zohn, Steven: Aesthetic and Stylistic Mediation in Telemann's VI Ouvertures à 4 ou 6. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 10. | Reul, Barbara: 'Old Debts from Leipzig' - New Insights on Johann Friedrich Fasch (1688-1758), Hofkapellmeister of Anhalt-Zerbst. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 11. | Greer, Mary: A Fresh Look at the Annotations in Bach's Calov Bible: Clues to the Identity of the Previous Owner and Implications for Bach Studies. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 12. | Swack, Jeanne: Formal Paradigms, Movement Types, and National Styles in Telemann's Frankfurt Cantata Cycles. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |
| 13. | Corneilson, Paul: C.P.E. Bach's Evangelist, Johann Heinrich Michel. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) | |