Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays
Year : 1985
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Brainard, Paul:   Aria and Ritornello: New Aspects of the Comparison Handel/Bach. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 21-33
2. Daw, Stephen:   Muzio Clementi as an Original Advocate, Collector and Performer, in Particular of J. S. Bach and D. Scarlatti. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 61-74
3. Fuller, David:   The 'Dotted Style' in Bach, Handel, and Scarlatti. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 99-117
4. Germann, Sheridan:   The Mietkes, the Margrave and Bach. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 119-148
5. Hill, Robert:   'Der Himmel weiss, wo diese Sachen hingekommen sind': Reconstructing the Lost Keyboard Notebooks of the Young Bach and Handel. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 161-172
6. Humphreys, David:   Did J. S. Bach Compose the F minor Prelude and Fugue BWV 534? [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 173-184
7. Huray, Peter Le; Butt, John:   In Search of Bach the Organist. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 185-206
8. Lindley, Mark:   Keyboard Technique and Articulation: Evidence for the Performance Practices of Bach, Handel and Scarlatti. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 207-244
9. Mann, Alfred:   Bach and Handel as Teachers of Thorough Bass. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 245-257
10. Marshall, Robert L.:   Tempo and Dynamic Indications in the Bach Sources: A Review of the Terminology. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 259-276
11. Pestelli, Giorgio:   Bach, Handel, D. Scarlatti and the Toccata of the Late Baroque. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 277-291
12. Rasch, Rudolf:   Does 'Well-Tempered' Mean 'Equal-Tempered'? [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 293-310
13. Schulze, Hans-Joachim:   The B minor Mass - Perpetual Touchstone for Bach Research. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 311-320
14. Williams, Peter F.:   'Figurae' in the Keyboard Works of Scarlatti, Handel and Bach: An Introduction. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 327-346
15. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach, Handel, Scarlatti Tercentenary Essays. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), xiv, 363p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita