Bach Bibliography
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Author : Williams, Peter F.
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TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Williams, Peter F.:   J. S. Bach and English Organ Music. MLetters 44/2 (Apr 1963), 140-151.
2. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach at Edinburgh. MTimes 104/1449 (Nov 1963), 815.
3. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach Thoughts from Edinburgh. MTimes 106/1472 (Oct 1965), 771-772.
4. Williams, Peter F.:   The European Organ 1450-1850. London: Batsford, 1966. 336p. - 3/1978. ISBN: 0713407530.
5. Williams, Peter F.:   The Harpsichord Acciaccatura: Theory and Practice in Harmony, 1650-1750. MQ 54/4 (Oct 1968), 503-523.
6. Williams, Peter F.:   Basso continuo on the Organ. MLetters 50/1, 2 (Jan; Apr 1969), 136-152; 230-245.
7. Williams, Peter F.:   Figured Bass Accompaniment. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1970. in 2 vols. [8], 117p; [6],131p. ISBN: 0-85224-054-6; 0-85224-055-4
8. Williams, Peter F.:   The Organs of Saxony. MTimes 111/1533 (Nov 1970), 1141-1143.
9. Williams, Peter F.:   The French Silbermann. MTimes 112/1535 (Jan 1971), 77-78.
10. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach Organ Music. London: British Broadcasting Corporation, 1972. R/1974. 71p. ISBN: 0563103485. - Seattle: University of Washington Press, [1972]. ISBN: 0295951990. (= BBC music guide, 20) [contents]
11. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach Recitatives. MTimes 115/1579 (Sep 1974), 747. Letters to the Editor.
12. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach's Seven Fughette. MTimes 116/1589 (Jul 1975), 653, 655, 657. The Organists' Repertory - 19.
13. Williams, Peter F.:   Why do we need a new book on Bach's Organ Music? MReview 38/4 (1977), 249-257.
14. Williams, Peter F.:   Figurenlehre from Monteverdi to Wagner. 1: What is 'Figurenlehre'? MTimes 120/1636 (Jun 1979), 476-479.
15. Williams, Peter F.:   Figurenlehre from Monteverdi to Wagner. 2: The chromatic 4th continued. MTimes 120/1637 (Jul 1979), 571-573.
16. Williams, Peter F.:   Figurenlehre from Monteverdi to Wagner. 3: The suspirans. MTimes 120/1638 (Aug 1979), 648-650.
17. Williams, Peter F.:   Figurenlehre from Monteverdi to Wagner. 4: 'Orfeo' and 'Meistersinger'. MTimes 120/1640 (Oct 1979), 816-818.
18. Williams, Peter F.:   A New History of the Organ from the Greeks to the Present Day. London: Faber & Faber; Bloomington, Indiana, 1980. 233p
19. Williams, Peter F.:   The Organ Music of J. S. Bach. II: Works based on Chorales (BWV 599-771 etc.) Univ. press Cambridge 1980, x, 357p.
20. Williams, Peter F.:   The Organ Music of J. S. Bach. I: Preludes, Toccatas, Fantasias, Fugues, Sonatas, Concertos and Miscellaneous Pieces (BWV 525-598, 802-805 etc). Univ. press Cambridge 1980, 365p.
21. Williams, Peter F.:   BWV 565: A toccata in D minor for Organ by J.S. Bach? EarlyM 9/3 (Jul 1981), 330-337.
22. Williams, Peter F.:   The Musical Aims of J. S. Bach's 'Clavierübung III'. [gs]Dart (1981), 259-278.
23. Williams, Peter F.:   J. S. Bach -- Orgelsachverständiger unter dem Einfluß Andreas Werckmeisters? BachJb 68 (1982), 131-142. Summary in English (p.174), French (p.176), Russian (p.178) and Czech (p.180).
24. Williams, Peter F.:   Need Organists Pay Attention to Theorists of Rhetoric? Diapason 73/ 4:869 (Apr 1982), 3-4.
25. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of J. S. Bach--I. AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 1 (Jan 1983), 45-47.
26. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of J. S. Bach-II. Harpsichord versus Organ in Six Trio Sonatas. AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 3 (Mar 1983), 50-52.
27. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of J. S. Bach--III. BWV 565: A Toccata in d Minor for Organ by J. S. Bach? AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 9 (Sep 1983), 42-47.
28. Williams, Peter F.:   The Snares and Delusions of Musical Rhetoric: Some Examples from recent writings on J. S. Bach. BaslerJbHistMpraxis [Sonderband] (1983), 230-240.
29. Williams, Peter F.:   J. S. Bach's Well-tempered Clavier: A new approach. EarlyM 11/1, 3 (Jan, Jul 1983), 46-52; 332-339.
30. Williams, Peter F.:   The Organ Music of J. S. Bach. III: A Background. Univ. press Cambridge 1984, 309p.
31. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--IV. Motifs in the Passacaglia. AmerOrganist(2) 18/ 2 (Feb 1984), 38-39.
32. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--V. Motifs in the Orgelbüchlein. AmerOrganist(2) 18/ 9 (Sep 1984), 44-45.
33. Williams, Peter F.:   J. S. Bach: Mass in B minor. EarlyM 12/1 (Feb 1984), 137,139,141. Recordings.
34. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach's G minor Sonata for viola da gamba and harpsichord BWV 1029: A seventh Brandenburg Concerto? EarlyM 12/3 (Aug 1984), 345-354.
35. Williams, Peter F.:   Some Tercentenary Questions for the Performer. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 1 (Jan 1985), 42-46.
36. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--VI: The Larger Chorals of Clavier-übung III. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 2 (Feb 1985), 56-57.
37. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--VII: The Smaller Pieces of Clavier-übung III. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 3 (Mar 1985), 118-119.
38. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--VIII: Certain Early Preludes and Fugues: BWV 531 and 549. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 4 (Apr 1985), 82-84.
39. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--IX: The Italian music. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 5 (May 1985), 74-75.
40. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--X: The Transcriptions. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 6 (Jun 1985), 44-46.
41. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of J. S. Bach--XI: Chorale Fughettas. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 7 (Jul 1985), 56-58.
42. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--XII: Stylistic Allusions in Certain Mature Preludes. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 8 (Aug 1985), 38-40.
43. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of J. S. Bach--XIII: Manual Changing in Certain Fugues. AmerOrganist(2) 19/ 9 (Sep 1985), 62-64.
44. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--XIV: Dividing Solo Lines Between the Hands; Clues to Articulation? AmerOrganist(2) 19/10 (Oct 1985), 117-119.
45. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--XV: Some Issues Raised in Certain Early Chorales. AmerOrganist(2) 19/11 (Nov 1985), 91-93.
46. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of Bach--XVI: More Organ Works by J. S. Bach? AmerOrganist(2) 19/12 (Dec 1985), 60-62.
47. Williams, Peter F.:   'Figurae' in the Keyboard Works of Scarlatti, Handel and Bach: An Introduction. [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 327-346.
48. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach, Handel, Scarlatti Tercentenary Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1985. xiv, 363p. [contents]
49. Williams, Peter F.:   Johann Sebastian Bachs Sonate in g-moll (BWV 1029)... ein siebtes Brandenburgisches Konzert? Concerto 2/4 (Jun 1985), 41-48.
50. Williams, Peter F.:   Was Johann Sebastian Bach an Organ Expert or an Acquisitive Reader of Andreas Werckmeister? JAmerMInstrSoc 11 (1985), 38-54.
51. Williams, Peter F.:   Encounters with the Chromatic Fourth ... or, More on Figurenlehre. MTimes 126/1707-1708 (May-Jun 1985), 276-278; 339-343.
52. Williams, Peter F.:   New Bach? [on recently discovered chorales] MTimes 126/1710 (Aug 1985), 452. Letters to the Editor.
53. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach's Organ Chorales from the Neumeister Collection. First Edition and Recordings. A Feature Review. AmerOrganist(2) 20/ 6 (Jun 1986), 63-64.
54. Williams, Peter F.:   Noch einmal: J. S. Bach -- Orgelsachverständiger unter dem Einfluß Andreas Werckmeisters? BachJb 72 (1986), 123-125. Kleine Beiträge.
55. Williams, Peter F.:   The Snares and Delusions of Notation: Bach's Early Organ Works. [ce]JSBOrganist (1986), 274-294.
56. Williams, Peter F. (ed.):   Musicalisches Opfer, BWV 1079 / Johann Sebastian Bach. Hrsg. v. Peter Williams. [Studienpartitur] - London [u.a.]: Eulenburg, c1986. xxxviii, 51p. Best.-Nr. Ed. Eulenburg 1390. Pl.-Nr. EE 6756. ISMN: M-2002-1111-5. [BWV 1079]
57. Williams, Peter F. (ed.):   Kunst der Fuge / Johann Sebastian Bach. Ed. by Peter Williams. [Studienpartitur] - London [u.a.]: Eulenburg, c1986. xlvi, 138p. Best.-Nr. Ed. Eulenburg 1391. Pl.-Nr. EE 6755. [BWV 1080]
58. Williams, Peter F.:   The Acquisitive Minds of Handel & Bach: Some Reflections on the Nature of 'Influences' [fs]Fisk (1986), 267-282.
59. Williams, Peter F.:   Hints for performance in J. S. Bach's 'Clavierübung' prints. EarlyKeyboardJ 5 (1986-87), 29-44.
60. Williams, Peter F.:   Playing the organ works of Bach: Some case studies. New York: American Guild of Organists, 1987. 128p. [collection of essays first appeared in The American Organist during 1983-85]
61. Williams, Peter F.; Owen, Barbara:   The Organ. Macmillan, 1988. 438p. ISBN: 0-393-02555-1; 0-393-30516-3. (= New Grove Musical Instruments)
62. Williams, Peter F.:   2/4 Time and J. S. Bach. [p]AMS_Southeast (Mar 1988) A paper read at the Southeast Chapter meeting of the American Musicological Society on 19 March 1988 at Duke University.
63. Williams, Peter F.:   French overture conventions in the hands of the young Bach and Handel. BachStud 1 (1989), 183-193.
64. Williams, Peter F.:   A chaconne by Georg Böhm: a note on German composers and French styles. EarlyM 17/1 (Feb 1989), 43-54.
65. Williams, Peter F.:   Two case studies in performance practice and the details of notation: 1. J. S. Bach and 2/4 Time. EarlyM 21/4 (Nov 1993), 613-622.
66. Williams, Peter F.:   Johann Sebastian Bach and the Basso Continuo. BaslerJbHistMpraxis 18 (1994), 67-86.
67. Williams, Peter F.:   Two case studies in performance practice and the details of notation: 2: J. S. Bach and left-hand-right-hand distribution. EarlyM 22/1 (Feb 1994), 101-113. [BWV 534/1; 572; 553; 541; 548; 566; 572; 739; 829]
68. Williams, Peter F.:   Towards a close reading of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. FestschriftSer 13 (1994), 143-156.
69. Williams, Peter F.:   Két esettanulmány az elõadói gyakorlat és a notáció részleteinek témakörébõl; 1. J. S. Bach és a 2/4 metrum; 2. J. S. Bach és a balkéz-jobbkéz megosztás. BachTanulmanyok 4 (1995), 5-41; 25-41. [Zwei Fallstudien über Aufführungspraxis und Notation. Übers. aus dem Engl. Katalin Komlós] Latin 2
70. Williams, Peter F.:   Johann Sebastian Bachs Orgelwerke 1. Präludien, Toccaten, Fantasien, Fugen, Sonaten, Concerti und Einzelwerke. Aus dem Englischen von Gudrun Budde. - Mainz: Schott Musik International, 1996. 441p.
71. Williams, Peter F.:   Orugan Kyoku. [ce]BachJiten (1996), 294-298. [Organ Music]
72. Williams, Peter F.:   Considérations sur la nouvelle mesure à 2/4 au début du XVIIIe siècle. [cr]Metz1994 (1996), 85-98. [Reflections on the emergence of the 2/4 meter in the early 18th century]
73. Williams, Peter F.:   J.S. Bach y el compás de 2/4. Quodlibet 5 (Jun 1996), 3-18. [J.S. Bach and the 2/4 time signature] Trans. by Gago, Luis Carlos
74. Williams, Peter F.:   The Chromatic Fourth. During Four Centuries of Music. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1998. 272p. ISBN: 0-19-816563-3.
75. Williams, Peter F.:   Johann Sebastian Bachs Orgelwerke. Band 2: Choralbearbeitungen. Aus dem Englischen von Gudrun Budde. - Mainz: Schott Musik International, 1998. 476p. ISBN: 3-7957-1854-6
76. Williams, Peter F.:   Some thoughts on Italian elements in certain music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Recercare 11 (1999), 185-198.
77. Hurford, Peter; Williams, Peter F.:   Approaches to Bach Performance and Scholarship, then, now, next Lecture given at 'Bach Artist Craftsman Harmonist': An International Celebration of the Music of J. S. Bach 1685-1750, London & St Albans 26 November - 2 December 2000
78. Williams, Peter F.:   Johann Sebastian Bachs Orgelwerke. Band 3: Liturgie, Kompositionstechnik, Instrumente und Aufführungspraxis. Aus dem Englischen von Caroline Schneider-Kliemt. - Mainz: Schott, 2000. 365p. ISBN: 3-7957-1855-4.
79. Williams, Peter F.:   Playing and studying Bach: Where next? BIOSJ 24 (2000), 80-92.
80. Williams, Peter F.:   Are we any closer to understanding Bach, the organist and organ-composer? [ce]IAOMillenniumBook (2000), 1-14.
81. Williams, Peter F.:   Witting and Unwitting Allusion in Certain Keyboard Music of J. S. Bach. MQ 84/4 (Winter 2000), 756-775. Texts and Contexts.
82. Williams, Peter F.:   Stop Press: Some questions about JS Bach and his organ music. MTimes 141/1870 (Spring 2000), 34-40. Peter Williams addresses some basic assumptions underlying our understanding of a canonical corpus.
83. Williams, Peter F.:   Sui generis: some fashionable uses to which Bach is put. MTimes 141/1871 (Summer 2000), 8, 10, 12-15.
84. Williams, Peter F.:   Decoding Bach 2: Clouds of witness. MTimes 141/1872 (Autumn 2000), 13-15.
85. Williams, Peter F.:   Further on Changing Manuals in Works of J. S. Bach. OrganYb 29 (2000), 75-90.
86. Williams, Peter F.:   J. S. Bach y la distribución entre las manos derecha e izquierda. Quodlibet 18 (Oct 2000), 68-84. [J.S. Bach and left-hand--right-hand distribution] Trans. by Paul S. McLaney.
87. Williams, Peter F.:   Bach: The Goldberg Variations. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. 101p. ISBN: 0-521-80735-2; 0-521-00193-5. (= Cambridge music handbooks) [contents]
88. Williams, Peter F.:   Recent questionable approaches to J. S. Bach. [fs]Tagliavini70 (2001), 553-572.
89. Williams, Peter F.:   The Organ Music of J. S. Bach. Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003. x, 624p. ISBN: 0521814162.
90. Williams, Peter F.:   Is there an anxiety of influence discernible in J. S. Bach's 'Clavierübung I'? [ce]KeyboardInBaroqueEurope (2003), 140-156.
91. Williams, Peter F.:   Some further Thoughts. DortmundBachF 6 (2003), 371-388.
92. Williams, Peter F.:   The Life of Bach. Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004. viii, 219p. ISBN: 0-5221-82636-5 / 0-521-53374-0. (= Musical Lives)
93. Williams, Peter F.:   Public Executions and the Bach Passions. BachNotesABS 2 (Fall 2004), 1-4.
94. Williams, Peter F.:   More on the question, Is there a 'Toccata and Fugue in D minor for Organ' by J. S. Bach? OrganYb 33 (2004), 139-143.
95. Williams, Peter F.:   Some observations on three keyboard-composers: Frescobaldi, J.S. Bach and Domenico Scarlatti. [fs]Owen (2005), 53-71.
96. Williams, Peter F.:   J.S. Bach: A Life in Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. xi, 405p. ISBN: 0-521-87074-7. - 2nd ed. 2012. xi, 405p. ISBN: 978-0-521-30683-6.
97. Williams, Peter F.:   The music of J.S. Bach: excerpts from the writings of Peter Williams. [fs]Williams70 (2007), 371-381.
98. Williams, Peter F.:   Again: Was J.S. Bach an expert on organs? OrganYb 36 (2007), 86-105.
99. Williams, Peter F.:   Can editions of Bach or Scarlatti be entirely trusted? RCOJ 1 (2007), 18-28.
100. Williams, Peter F.:   J. S. Bach: Ein Leben in der Musik. Aus dem Engl. von Clemens Brunn. - Berlin: Osburg Verlag, 2008. 575p. ISBN-10: 3-940731-08-0; ISBN-13: 978-3-940731-08-1.
101. Williams, Peter F.:   Johann Sebastian Bach's ideal organ. OrganistsReview 94/2 (May 2008), 7-13.
102. Williams, Peter F.:   Frescobaldi's Fiori musicali and Bach. Recercare 24/1-2 (2012)
103. Williams, Peter F.:   Another book on JS Bach? MTimes 157/1934 (Spring 2016), 5-18.

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita