Bach Bibliography
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Author : Whittaker, William Gillies
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Bright the sunbeams': Aria [for Alto] / J.S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias (1914), 6p
2. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Cantatas 212: [Length'ning shadows: aria from the Bavern cantata Mann hahn en neue Oberkeet] (1921)
3. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Thou crownest the year: duet / J. S. Bach CollAriaDuoChorale(Stainer) 4 (c 1921), 8p
4. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Six original chorales / J. S. Bach. CollAriaDuoChorale(Stainer) 5 (1921), 11p
5. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   The angels: cantata for Female Voices. (1923), 47p
6. Whittaker, William Gillies:   Fugitive Notes on certain Cantatas and the Motets of J. S. Bach. (1924), xii, 298p
7. Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   'Sing We the Birth.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 122 (1924), 32p
8. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   False love! Thou traitor perjured!: J.S. Bach's secular cantata 'Amore traditore' (1925), 17p
9. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Jesu, Joy and Treasure' (c 1925), 76p
10. Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   'See Now.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 64 (1925), 38p
11. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Sinfonia from Church Cantata No. 75 ... Chorale 'Was Gott thut, das ist wohlgethan.' OxfordChoralSongs 348 (c 1925), 2p
12. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   CONCERTO FROM CHURCH CANTATA No. 152 Tritt auf die Glauben's Bahn / J. S. Bach. OxfordOrchSer 8 (1925), 8p
13. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIAS TO BACH'S CANTATAS Nos. 12 21 156 ('Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen') ('Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis') ('Ich steh' mit einem Fuss im Grabe') OxfordOrchSer 10 (1925), 8p
14. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIA TO CHURCH CANTATA No. 42 (Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbaths) / J. S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 11 (1925), 10p
15. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SONATINA (INTRODUCTION) FROM CHURCH CANTATA No. 106 AND SONATA (INTRODUCTION) FROM CHURCH CANTATA No. 182 (Gottes Zeit) (Himmelskonig, sei willkommen) / J. S. BACH. OxfordOrchSer 13 (1925), 4p
16. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIA FROM CHURCH CANTATA No. 18 (Gleich wie der Regen) / J. S. BACH OxfordOrchSer 15 (1925), 8p
17. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIA TO SECULAR CANTATA No. 209 (Non sa che sia dolore) / J. S. BACH. OxfordOrchSer 18 (1925), 8p
18. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIA TO CHURCH CANTATA No.75: (Die Elenden sollen essen) / J. S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 19 (1925), 4p
19. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIA TO CHURCH CANTATA No. 76 Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes / J. S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 20 (1925), 5p
20. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   MARCH FROM DRAMMA per MUSICA (Vereinigte Zweitracht der wechselnden Saiten) -- PRELUDE TO CANTATA No. 212 (Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet) -- TRIO / J.S. BACH OxfordOrchSer 22 (1925), 10p
21. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIAS TO CHURCH CANTATAS Nos.150 & 196: (Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich) (Der Herr denket an uns) / J. S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 23 (1925), 5p
22. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   CONCERTO FROM CHURCH CANTATA No. 142 Uns ist ein Kind geboren / J. S. Bach [Kuhnau?] OxfordOrchSer 24 (1925), 6p
23. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SONATA FROM CANTATA No.31: Die Himmel lacht, die Erde jubilieret / J. S. BACH. OxfordOrchSer 53 (1925), 14p
24. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   FIRST SINFONIA FROM CHURCH CANTATA No. 35: 'Geist und Seele wird verwirret' OxfordOrchSer 59 (1925), 18p
25. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Lord Christ, we now Thy praises sing.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 121 (c 1926), 38p
26. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   God is our friend: trio from Church cantata no.122, Das neugebor'ne Kindelein = 'Sing we the birth' / J.S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 352 (c 1926), 8p
27. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Cantatas 29. (1927)
28. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'What God Doth, Surely That Is Right': Cantata No. 98. ... (1927), 31p
29. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Jesus called to Him the Twelve.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 22 (c 1927), 36p
30. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'The Heavens shout.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 31 (1927), 43p
31. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Now hath the grace and the strength.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 50 (1927), 32p
32. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'What God doth, surely that is right!' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 98 (1927), 31p
33. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Lord, enter not into wrath.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 105 (c 1927), 44p
34. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Care and sorrow flee before thee: chorale / J. S. Bach. CollAriaDuoChorale(Stainer) 13 (1927), 8p
35. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   I follow Thee now. Duet. Aria with Chorale. CollAriaDuoChorale(Stainer) 14 (1927)
36. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Since Thou from death hast risen again = Am i Ti ddod i'r lan o'r Bedd (Weil du vom Tod erstanden bist): the concluding part of the final chorus of Church cantata no.15 'Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hölle lassen' / [Johann Ludwig Bach] ExtendedChorales 1 (1927), 6p
37. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Awake us, Lord, and hasten = Bywhâ ni, Iôr tragywydd (Ertödt uns durch dein' Gute); the closing number of Church Cantata no.22 ExtendedChorales 2 (1927), 9p
38. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   O ever-faithful God = O fythol-ffyddlon Dduw (O Gott, du frommer Gott): the closing number of Church cantata no.24, Ein ungefärbt Gemüthe / [J.S. Bach] ExtendedChorales 3 (1927), 7p
39. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Thine is alone the glory = Ti'n unig biau'r moliant (Dein ist allein die Ehre). Chorale: the final number of church cantata no.41, 'Jesu, nun sei gepreiset', for the Feast of the Circumcision (New Year's Day) (c.1736) ExtendedChorales 4 (1927), 8p
40. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   O Lord Thou God of truth = O Dduw gwirionedd glân (O grosser Gott der Treu): the closing number of Church Cantata no.46 ExtendedChorales 5 (1927), 6p
41. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Lord, in thy love = Duw, yn dy ras (Es woll' uns Gott genädig sein) from church cantata no.76 (Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes) for second Sunday after Trinity, 1723 ExtendedChorales 6 (1927), 17p
42. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Content, my God = O'm bodd, fy Nuw (Ei nun, mein Gott) from Church Cantata no.92 'Ich hab' in Gottes Herz und Sinn' for Septuagesima Sunday (c.1740). ExtendedChorales 8 (1927), 10p
43. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   What God doth, that alone is right = A wnelo'r Arglwydd, cyfiawn yw (Was Gott thut, das ist wohlgethan): from Church Cantata no.100. ExtendedChorales 9 (1927), 5p
44. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   To God give thanks and praise = Cydgenwch 'Iddo ef' (Nun danket Alle Gott): closing number of Church Cantata no.79 ExtendedChorales 17 (1927), 8p
45. Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   STRING SUITE No. 1 [in C major] / J.S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 36 (1927), 12p
46. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   STRING SUITE No. 2 [in B minor] / J. S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 37 (1927), 11p
47. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   STRING SUITE No. 3 [in D major] / J. S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 38 (1927), 9p
48. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   STRING SUITE No. 4 [in D major] / J. S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 39 (1927), 11p
49. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   STRING SUITE No. 5 / J. S. Bach. OxfordOrchSer 40 (1927), 4p
50. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIA TO CHURCH CANTATA No. 29 'Wir danken dir, Gott, Wir danken dir.' / [J. S. Bach] OxfordOrchSer 42 (1927), 18p
51. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Cease, sad eyelids': Soprano aria from church cantata no.98 'What God doth, surely that is right' / J. S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 10 (c 1927), 9p
52. Whittaker, William Gillies:   Some Problems in the Performance of Bach's Church Cantatas. ProceedRMA 54 (1927-28), 35-61
53. Hess, Myra; Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   Jesu, joy of man's desiring: the chorale from Cantata no.147. (1928), 4p + St
54. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Who thanks offers, he praiseth Me.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 17 (c 1928), 36p
55. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'In thee do I rejoice.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 133 (c 1928), 38p
56. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'King of Heaven, be Thou welcome.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 182 (1928), 55p
57. [Whittaker, William Gillies]:   Some Problems in the Performance of Bach's Church Cantatas. MTimes 69/1024 (Jun 1928), 544-545
58. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Chorale from church cantata no.137: Praise to the highest: Lobe den Herren / J. S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1437 (c 1928), 6p
59. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Lord Christ above: chorale from church cantata no.166, 'Wo gehest du hin' / J. S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1438 (c 1928), 5p
60. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Duet: Et misericordia = And his mercy, from the Magnificat / J.S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1439 (c 1928), 7p
61. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Aria, Et exultavit = My soul rejoices: from the Magnificat / J.S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1440 (c 1928), 6p
62. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Love, ye faithful: aria from church cantata no.76 / J. S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1441 (c 1928), 5p
63. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Chorale from Church cantata no.147: Herz und Mund und That und Leben = Jesu joy of man's desiring = Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe / J.S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1443 (c 1928), 3p
64. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIA FROM THE EASTER ORATORIO Kommt, eilet und laufet. FIRST MOVEMENT / J. S. BACH OxfordOrchSer 55 (1928), 14p
65. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SINFONIA FROM THE EASTER ORATORIO Kommt, eilet und laufet. SECOND MOVEMENT / J. S. BACH OxfordOrchSer 56 (1928), 3p
66. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Jesu, joy of man's desiring' = 'Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe': Chorale from Church Cantata no.147, 'Herz und Mund und That und Leben' / J.S. Bach OxfordOrchSer 57 (1928), 4p
67. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   SECOND SINFONIA FROM CHURCH CANTATA No. 35 'Geist und Seele wird verwirret' / [J. S. Bach] OxfordOrchSer 60 (1928), 6p
68. Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   Pastorella / J. S. Bach. (1929), 12p
69. Whittaker, William Gillies; Wiseman, Herbert; Wishart, J. (eds.):   The Clarendon classical song books. Volume II. [Voice-part edition] (c 1929), 30p
70. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Chorale Prelude, 'Wir Glauben all'in eimem Gott, Vater' = 'We all believe in one God the Father' / J. S. Bach. (1929), 3p
71. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Aria from the Pastorella (1929), 4p
72. Whittaker, William Gillies; Wiseman, Herbert; Wishart, J. (eds.):   The Clarendon classical song books. Volume II. [Piano edition] (c 1929), 58p
73. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Jesu, joy of man's desiring from cantata No. 147 / J. S. Bach. (1929), 8p
74. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Ah how fleeting.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 26 (1929), 30p
75. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Why Art Cast Down Within Me?' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 107 (1929), 28p
76. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Take what thine is, and go thy way.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 144 (c 1929), 24p
77. Whittaker, William Gillies:   Notes on Bach's Orchestration. Consort 1 (Oct 1929), 1-4
78. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Now I know that Thou art loving = 'Nawr mi wn mai cariad ydwyt (Nun, ich weiss, du wirst mir stillen): the final chorus of Church Cantata no.105 ExtendedChorales 10 (1929), 4p
79. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   So let me sing God's praises = Rhof glod i Dduw gan hynny (Herr, gieb, dass ich dein' Ehre): the final chorus of Church Cantata no.107, 'Was willst du dich betru?ben', for the seventh Sunday after Trinity (c.1735). ExtendedChorales 11 (1929), 6p
80. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   With praises unto God = Mae llysoedd Nef yn llawn (Dem wir das Heilig itzt): the final chorus of Church Cantata no.129. ExtendedChorales 12 (1929), 5p
81. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Alleluja! = Haleliwia: The final chorus of church cantata No. 142 / Bach [Kuhnau?] ExtendedChorales 13 (1929), 5p
82. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Jesu, Joy of man's desiring = Iesu, drud ddifyrrwch dynion (Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe) from Church cantata no.147 Herz und Mund und That und Leben / [J.S. Bach] ExtendedChorales 14 (1929), 8p
83. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   All glory, thanks, and blessing = Gogoniant ac anrhydedd (Sei lob und Preis mit Ehren): the final chorus of Church Cantata no.92 ExtendedChorales 15 (1929), 11p
84. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Our foes press on us far wide = Mae grym gelynion ar bob tu (Augspreeen sie den Rachen weit): the fifth movement from Church Cantata no.178 ExtendedChorales 16 (1929), 7p
85. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Lord, we give praise to Thee = Ti, Iôr a folwn ni (Herr Gott, dich loben wri): the second movement of Church Cantata no.190 ExtendedChorales 18 (1929), 5p
86. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Why art cast down within me? = Pa ofn yw hwn, fy nghalon (Was willst du dich betrüben): the first chorus of Church Cantata no.107 ExtendedChorales 19 (1929), 7p
87. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Who hopes in God = Yr hwn obeithia (Wer hofft in Gott); the final chorus of Church Cantata no.109 ExtendedChorales 20 (1929), 16p
88. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Aria: My heart, ever faithful = Mein gläubiges Herze: from Church Cantata no.68 Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt / J.S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1455 (1929), 6p
89. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Lord, wide as the Heaven above': Soprano Aria from Church Cantata No. 17 ... OxfordSerBachArias 1 (1929)
90. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Thereupon one of the Lepers', 'Lord, Blessings rich in plenty come from Thee': Tenor Recitative and Aria from Church Cantata No. 17 ... OxfordSerBachArias 2 (1929)
91. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Lord Jesus, draw me unto Thee': Contralto Aria from Church Cantata No. 22. ... OxfordSerBachArias 3 (1929)
92. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'O Treasure of Treasures': Tenor Aria from Church Cantata No. 22 ... OxfordSerBachArias 4 (1929)
93. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'O longed-for Day!', 'Prince eternal': Bass Recitative and Aria from Church Cantata No. 31 ... OxfordSerBachArias 5 (1929)
94. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'He who would in Christ be living': Tenor Aria from Church Cantata No. 31 ... OxfordSerBachArias 6 (1929)
95. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'As Members by their Head are guided', 'Life's last Moment': Soprano Recitative and Aria from Church Cantata No. 31 ... OxfordSerBachArias 7 (1929)
96. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Little Worth is found on Earth': Soprano Aria from Church Cantata No. 64 ... OxfordSerBachArias 8 (1929)
97. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Of this world I ask for nought': Contralto Aria from Church Cantata No. 64 ... OxfordSerBachArias 9 (1929)
98. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Never Jesus will I leave': Bass Aria from Church Cantata No. 98 ... OxfordSerBachArias 11 (1929)
99. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Thoughts fearful and haunting': Soprano Aria from Church Cantata No. 105 ... OxfordSerBachArias 12 (1929)
100. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'If my Lord Jesus only deigns to love me': Tenor Aria from Church Cantata No. 105 ... OxfordSerBachArias 13 (1929)
101. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Thou Son of Man': Tenor Aria from Church Cantata No. 121 ... OxfordSerBachArias 14 (1929)
102. Whittaker, William Gillies:   'John filled with Joy': Bass Aria from Church Cantata No. 121 'Lord Christ, we now thy praises sing' / J. S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 15 (1929), 13p
103. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'We Mortals': Bass Aria from Church Cantata No. 122, 'Sing we the birth' / J. S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 16 (1929)
104. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Be glad': Contralto Aria from Church Cantata No. 133 ... OxfordSerBachArias 17 (1929)
105. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'How sweetly ringing in my Hearing': Soprano Aria from Church Cantata No. 133 ... OxfordSerBachArias 18 (1929)
106. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Lo, I come', 'Great Thy Love, Lord': Bass Recitative and Aria from Church Cantata No. 182 'King of heaven, be thou welcome'] / J. S. Bach. OxfordSerBachArias 19 (1929), 9p
107. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Lowly bend before the Saviour': Contralto Aria from Church Cantata No. 182 ... OxfordSerBachArias 20 (1929)
108. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Jesu, Paths of Weal and Woe': Tenor Aria from Church Cantata No. 182 ... OxfordSerBachArias 21 (1929)
109. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Comfort sweet, Lord Jesus comes' = 'Süsser Trost, mein Jesus kommt': Soprano Aria from church cantata No.151 of the same title / J.S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 22 (1929), 7p
110. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'As rapid, rushing rivulets': Tenor Aria from Church Cantata no.26 'Ah, how fleeting' (= Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig) / J. S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 24 (1929), 11p
111. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'The Riches and Treasures': Bass Aria from Church Cantata No. 26, 'Ah, how fleeting' (= Ach wie flüchtig, ach wie nichtig) / J. S. Bach. OxfordSerBachArias 25 (1929), 10p
112. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Yea, God no Man forsaketh', 'Upon His Strength relying': Bass Recitative and Aria from Church Cantata No. 107 'Why art cast down within me' (Was willst du dich betrüben) / J.S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 26 (1929), 9p
113. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Hell's despite, nay, nor Satan': Tenor Aria from Church Cantata no.107, 'Why art cast down within me' / J. S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 27 (1929), 7p
114. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'For his ends God designed thee': Soprano Aria from Church Cantata no.107, 'Why art cast down within me' / J. S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 28 (1929), 6p
115. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Myself to God resigning': Tenor Aria from Church Cantata no.107, 'Why art cast down within me' / J. S. Bach OxfordSerBachArias 29 (1929), 6p
116. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'O sweet Content': Soprano Aria from Church Cantata No. 144 ... OxfordSerBachArias 31 (1929)
117. Whittaker, William Gillies; Wiseman, Herbert; Wishart, J. (eds.):   The Clarendon classical song books. Volume VI. [Piano edition] (c 1930), 55p
118. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Now hath the Grace and the Strength.' = 'Weithion trwy ras a thrwy rym a thrwy nerth.' ChurchCantata(Whittaker) 50 [var] (1930)
119. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Now Comfort take, good Christians all ... Chorale. CollAriaDuoChorale(Stainer) 15 (1930)
120. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Lord Jesu Christ, pure Source of Good ... Chorale. CollAriaDuoChorale(Stainer) 16 (1930)
121. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Four Original Chorales. CollAriaDuoChorale(Stainer) 17 (1930)
122. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Five Original Chorales. CollAriaDuoChorale(Stainer) 18 (1930)
123. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Jesu, joy of man's desiring = Iesu, drud ddifyrrwch dynion (Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe): from church cantata no.147, 'Herz und Mund und That und Leben' OxfordChoralSongs 1495 (1930), 6p
124. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Four Chorales from the Schemelli Gesang-Buch. ... OxfordChoralSongs 1506 (1930), 8p
125. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Thirty-five Chorale Preludes / J.S. Bach. Book 4. (1931), xi, 20p
126. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Thirty-five Chorale Preludes / J.S. Bach. Book 2. (1931), xii, 19p
127. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Thirty-five Chorale Preludes / J.S. Bach. Book 3. (1931), xii, 23p
128. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Thirty-five Chorale Preludes / J.S. Bach. Book 1. (1931), xii, 24p
129. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   A short passion: (from St Matthew's Gospel) / Johann Sebastian Bach. (1931), xxiii, 135p
130. Whittaker, William Gillies:   The 'St. Matthew' Passion. MTimes 72/1060 (Jun 1931), 541
131. Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   Jesu, joy of man's desiring = Iesu, drud ddifyrrwch dynion (Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe): from Church Cantata No. 147, Herz und Mund und That unb Leben / J.S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1518 (1931), 6p
132. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Jesu, joy of man's desiring = Iesu, drud ddifyrrwch dynion (Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe): from church cantata no.147, 'Herz und Mund und That und Leben'. OxfordChoralSongs 1519 (c 1931), 8p
133. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Murmur not / J. S. Bach. OxfordChoralSongs 1527 (c 1931), 8p
134. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'Murmur not, O my Soul': Alto Aria from Church Cantata No. 144 'Take what thine is and go thy way' / J. S. Bach. OxfordSerBachArias 30 (1931)
135. Whittaker, William Gillies; Wiseman, Herbert; Wishart, J. (eds.):   The Clarendon classical song books. Volume IIA. [Piano edition] (c 1932), 62p
136. Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   Choral prelude: 'Wir glauben all' in einem Gott, Vater' = 'We all believe in one God, the Father' / J. S. Bach. [ce]BachBookForCohen 12 (1932), 31-32
137. Whittaker, William Gillies:   The Art of Accompaniment from a Thorough-Bass. MTimes 73/1067, 1068 (Jan, Feb 1932), 32-34; 123-125
138. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Bach's four-part Chorals. (1934)
139. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Jesu, Joy of man's desiring. (1935)
140. Whittaker, William Gillies; Wiseman, Herbert; Wishart, J. (eds.):   The Clarendon aria books, Volume I. (c 1935), 33p
141. Whittaker, William Gillies; Wiseman, Herbert; Wishart, J. (eds.):   The Clarendon classical song books. Volume I. [Piano edition] (c 1935), 61p
142. Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (Sleepers wake) / J. S. Bach 2PianoSer 11 (c 1935), 12, 12p
143. Whittaker, William Gillies:   The Bachs and Eisenach. MQ 21/2 (Apr 1935), 132-142
144. Whittaker, William Gillies (arr.):   PASTORAL SYMPHONY from the Christmas Oratoril / J. S. BACH (1936), 8p
145. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Schlage doch = Strike, O bell: church cantata no.53 / J. S. Bach. [ChurchCantata(Whittaker)] 53 (c 1936), 8p
146. Whittaker, William Gillies:   Orchestral Influences in the Preludes of Bach's '48'. MTeacherPianoStudent 15 (Sep, Oct, Dec 1936)
147. Whittaker, William Gillies:   A Pilgrimage through the Church Cantatas of J. S. Bach. MTimes 77/1119, 1120, 1121 (May, June, Jul 1936), 401-404; 501-504, 603-607
148. Whittaker, William Gillies:   Bach, Handel, and Robinson. MTimes 77/1123 (Sep 1936), 787-793
149. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Schlage doch = Strike, O bell: church cantata no.53 / J. S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1634 (c 1936), 8p
150. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   PASTORAL SYMPHONY from the Christmas oratorio / J. S. BACH. OxfordOrchSer 109 (1936), 8p
151. Whittaker, William Gillies:   Bach and the Bassoon. MTimes 78/1134 (Aug 1937), 741
152. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   A Christmas Sequence OxfordChoralSongs 1639 (c 1937)
153. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Come now, Saviour of Mankind: Cantata for Female Voices / J. S. Bach (1939), v, 45p
154. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   Village gossip by J.S. Bach OxfordChoralSongs 1651 (c 1939), 64p
155. Whittaker, William Gillies:   The Bachs and Eisenach. [ce]CollectedEssays (1940)
156. Whittaker, William Gillies:   Collected Essays. [ce]CollectedEssays (1940), 235p
157. Whittaker, William Gillies:   A Lost Bach Magnificat. MLetters 21/4 (Oct 1940), 312-318
158. Whittaker, William Gillies (ed.):   'SHEEP MAY SAFELY GRAZE' ('Schafe können sicher weiden'): ARIA FROM SECULAR CANTATA No. 208 'Was mir behagt' / J. S. BACH OxfordOrchSer 127 (1943), 6p
159. Whittaker, William Gillies:   The Cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach. Sacred and Secular. (1959), xvi, 717p; 754p

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