Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Author : White, Harry
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. White, Harry M. (ed.):   Johann Joseph Fux and the music of the Austro-Italian Baroque. [ce]JJFuxMAIBaroque (1992), 350p
2. Devine, Patrick F.; White, Harry (eds.):   The Maynooth International Musicological Conference 1995. Selected Proceedings: Part One. IrishMStud 4 (1996), 444p
3. Devine, Patrick F.; White, Harry (eds.):   The Maynooth International Musicological Conference 1995. Selected Proceedings: Part Two. IrishMStud 5 (1996), 409p
4. White, Harry M.:   'If it's Baroque, don't fix it': Reflections on Lydia Goehr's 'work-concept' and the historical integrity of musical composition. ActaMcol 69/1 (Jan-Jun 1997), 94-104
5. White, Harry:   The Da Capo Aria in Sacred-Dramatic Music of the High Baroque: some preliminary considerations and problems. [p]RMA_Waterford (May 1999)
6. White, Harry:   The musical discourse of servitude. [p]RMA_Dublin (May 2002)
7. White, Harry M.:   The afterlife of a tradition: Fux, Vienna and the notion of a classical style. (2004), 23-32
8. White, Harry:   Johann Joseph Fux and the question of Einbau technique. IrishMStud 8 (2004), 29-48
9. Houston, Kerry; White, Harry (eds.):   A musical offering: Essays in honour of Gerard Gillen. [fs]Gillen (2017), xvi, 400p
10. White, Harry:   Evangelists of the Postmodern: Reconfigurations of Bach since 1985. UnderstandingBach 12 (2017), 85-107
11. White, Harry:   The musical discourse of servitude: authority, autonomy, and the work-concept in Fux, Bach and Handel. (2020), 326p

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita