Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Author : Varwig, Bettina
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Varwig, Bettina:   One more time: Bach and Seventeenth-Century Traditions of Rhetoric. [p]BNUK_Oxford (Dec 2006)
2. Varwig, Bettina:   Weltfreude und Todesverklärung: Zu Bachs Kantate Ich habe genug (BWV 82). StWertungF 48 (2007), 52-75
3. Varwig, Bettina:   One More Time: J. S. Bach and Seventeenth-Century Traditions of Rhetoric. 18cM 5/2 (Sep 2008), 179-208
4. Varwig, Bettina:   Time and Rhetoric in Bach's St Matthew Passion. [p]SMA_Glasgow (Apr 2009)
5. Varwig, Bettina:   Death and Life in J. S. Bach's Cantata Ich habe genung (BWV 82). JRMA 135/2 (2010), 315-356
6. Varwig, Bettina:   Metaphors of Time and Modernity in Bach. [p]AMS_Indianapolis (Nov 2010)
7. Varwig, Bettina:   Metaphors of time and modernity in Bach. JMcol 29/2 (Spring 2012), 154-190
8. Varwig, Bettina:   Bach in the Twenty–First Century. [p]BNUK_Warsaw (Jul 2013)
9. Varwig, Bettina:   Beware the lamb: Staging Bach's Passions. 20cM 11/2 (Sep 2014), 245-274
10. Butt, John; Tomita, Yo; Marissen, Michael; Varwig, Bettina:   Principles of Performance Lost and Gained: John Butt on Bach-related subjects in conversation with Yo Tomita, Michael Marissen and Bettina Varwig. [p]BNUK_Cambridge (Jul 2015)
11. Marissen, Michael; Varwig, Bettina; Begbie, Jeremy:   Bach and God. [p]BNUK_Cambridge (Jul 2017)
12. Varwig, Bettina:   Distributed Listening: Aural Encounters with J. S. Bach's Sacred Cantatas. Bach 51/2 (2020), 210-240

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita