Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Rasch, Rudolf: Wohltemperirt en gelijkzwevend. MensMelodie 36 (1981), 264-273 | |
| 2. | Rasch, Rudolf: Friedrich Suppig and his Labyrinthus musicus of 1722. OrganYb 15 (1984), 33-53 | |
| 3. | Rasch, Rudolf (ed.): Erste Sammlung (1761): with complete fingerings after Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Johann Philipp Kirnberger. (1985), 22p | |
| 4. | Rasch, Rudolf A. (ed.): Clavierübungen: Erste Sammlung (1761), with complete fingerings after Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Johann Philipp Kirnberger. (1985), 22p | |
| 5. | Rasch, Rudolf: Does 'Well-Tempered' Mean 'Equal-Tempered'? [ce]BHSTercentenaryEssays (1985), 293-310 | |
| 6. | Rasch, Rudolf (ed.): Zweyte Sammlung (1762): with complete fingerings after Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Johann Philipp Kirnberger. (1986), 23p | |
| 7. | Rasch, Rudolf A. (ed.): Clavierübungen: Zweyte Sammlung (1762), with complete fingerings after Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Johann Philipp Kirnberger. (1986), 23p | |
| 8. | Rasch, Rudolf (ed.): Dritte Sammlung (1763): with complete fingerings after Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Johann Philipp Kirnberger. (1989), 22p | |
| 9. | Rasch, Rudolf (ed.): Vierte Sammlung (1766): with fingerings according to the system of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach / Johann Philipp Kirnberger. (1990), 23p | |
| 10. | Rasch, Rudolf: Roger, Bach and Walther: Musical Relations between Amsterdam and Weimar. [p]IBS_Utrecht (Sep 2000) | |
| 11. | Rasch, Rudolf: Johann Christian Bach in Eighteenth-Century Dutch Newspaper Announcements. TijdschrVNedMgeschied 50/1-2 (2000), 5-51 | |
| 12. | Rasch, Rudolf: The transition from harpsichord to pianoforte in the northern Netherlands. [cr]Rome2004 (2009), 299-320 | |
| 13. | Rasch, Rudolf: Does 'Well-Tempered' mean 'Equal-Tempered'? [ce]BaroqueComposers (2011), 511-528 | |