Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Author : Paczkowski, Szymon
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Nadworny Kompozytor Króla Polskiego i Elektora Saskiego. [ce]BachTysiaclecia (2000), 85-94
2. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Chopin and Bach. ChopinWorld (2000), 6-7
3. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Der polnische Stil und Bachs Bauern-Kantate. ArolserBeitrMf 9 (2002), 181-194
4. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Über die Funktionen der Polonaise und des polnischen Stils am Beispiel der Arie 'Glück und Segen sind bereit' aus der Kantate Erwünschtes Freudenlicht BWV 184 von Johann Sebastian Bach. [cr]Warschau1999 (2002), 207-224
5. Paczkowski, Szymon; Zórawska-Witkowska, Alina [¯órawska-Witkowska] (eds.):   Johann Adolf Hasse in seiner Epoche und in der Gegenwart. Studien zur Stil- und Quellenproblematik. [cr]Warschau1999 (2002), 234p Latin 2
6. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Allegorical meaning of the polonoise in Bach's vocal works. [p]BCB_Logrono (Jul 2002)
7. Paczkowski, Szymon:   O polonezowej arii Lobe, Zion, deinen Gott z kantaty Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied BWV 190 Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. [fs]Perz (2003), 503-509
8. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Orkiestrowe Polonezy Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. KronikaZamkowa 2:46 (2003), 105-122
9. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Johann Sebastian Bachs 'Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft' BWV 50. Form und Bedeutung. (2004), 224-236
10. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Johanna Sebastiana Bacha 'Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft' BWV 50. Forma i znaczenie. (2004), 291-304
11. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (BWV 225) by Johann Sebastian Bach - functions and meaning. [p]BICB_Manchester (Jul 2004)
12. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Motet 'Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied' BWV 225 Johanna Sebastiana Bacha - Styl, Forma i Znaczenie. Muzyka 50/2 (197) (2005), 17-44
13. Paczkowski, Szymon:   On the Problems of Parody and Style in the 'Et resurrexit' from the Mass in B minor by Johann Sebastian Bach. Bach 37/2 (2006), 1-44
14. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Die Motette Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied BWV 225 von Johann Sebastian Bach: Stil, Form und Bedeutung. [cr]Cracow2003 (2006), 145-166 Latin 2
15. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Bach and the Story of an 'Aria tempo di Polonaise' for Joachim Friedrich Flemming. [p]ABS_Leipzig (May 2006)
16. Paczkowski, Szymon:   A Polonaise duet, composed for a merchant, a professor and a king. On the Cantatas BWV 205, 205a, 216 and 216a by Johann Sebastian Bach. [p]BICB_Warsaw (Jul 2006)
17. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Bach and the Story of an 'Aria Tempo di Polonaise' for Joachim Friedrich Flemming. Bach 38/2 (2007), 64-98
18. Paczkowski, Szymon:   On the Role and Meaning of the Polonaise in the Mass in B minor by Johann Sebastian Bach as Exemplified by the Aria 'Quoniam tu solus sanctus'. [cr]Belfast2007 1 (2007), 33-51
19. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Wojenny polonez dla królowej: O kantacie Tönet, ihr Pauken BWV 214 J.S. Bacha. [fs]Helman70 (2007), 423-438
20. Paczkowski, Szymon:   A Polonaise Duet for a Professor, a King and a Merchant: On Cantatas BWV 205, 205a, 216 and 216a by Johann Sebastian Bach. UnderstandingBach 2 (2007), 19-36
21. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Sound-Encoded Politics: J. S. Bach's Cantata Tönet, ihr Pauken (BWV 214). [p]ABS_Bethlehem (May 2008)
22. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Bach's Peasant Cantata and the Polish style. [p]BICB_Leeds (Jul 2008)
23. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Musikalische Darstellung des Himmelskönigs in Bachs Kantaten BWV 69a und 137. [cr]Oberschützen2007 (2009), 47-57
24. Paczkowski, Szymon:   A Polonaise Duet for a Professor, a King and a Merchant: on Cantatas BWV 205, 205a, 216 and 216a by Johann Sebastian Bach. McolToday 6 (2009), 90-112
25. Paczkowski, Szymon; Ryszka-Komarnicka, Anna (eds.):   Polish Studies on Baroque Music. McolToday 6 (2009), 218p
26. Paczkowski, Szymon:   The Sound-Coded Politics: on the Cantata Tönet, ihr Pauken BWV 214 by Johann Sebastian Bach. [p]BNUK_Oxford (Jan 2009)
27. Paczkowski, Szymon:   'In the Most Honorable Minister's House:' The musical interests and patronage of Jakob Heinrich Flemming, and his possible contacts with J.S. Bach. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010)
28. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Field Marshall Jakob Heinrich Flemming (1667-1728) and his musical patronage. [p]BICB_Belfast (Jul 2010)
29. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Die Bibliothek des Grafen Jakob Heinrich Flemming, das Repertoire seiner Kapelle und der Musikalientransfer in Ostmitteleuropa. [p]Dresden (Jun 2010)
30. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Styl Polski w Muzyce Johanna Sebastiana Bacha. (2011), 457p
31. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Bach and Chopin. [p]BNUK_Edinburgh (Aug 2011)
32. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Bach and Chopin. [p]BICB_Southampton (Jul 2012)
33. Paczkowski, Szymon:   The role and significance of the polonaise in the 'Quoniam' of the B-minor Mass. [ce]ExploringBMM (2013), 54-83
34. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Bach and Poland in the 18th century. [p]BNUK_Warsaw (Jul 2013)
35. Paczkowski, Szymon:   J. Ph. Kirnberger and the Musical Patronage of Count Wac³aw Rzewuski in Podhorce. [p]BICB_Salzburg (Jul 2014) Latin 2
36. Paczkowski, Szymon:   In the shadow of the Hofkapelle: music and musicians in the circle of the Dresden nobility during the reign of August II and August III. [p]BNUK_Cambridge (Jul 2015)
37. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Bach and Poland in the Eighteenth Century. UnderstandingBach 10 (2015), 123-137
38. Paczkowski, Szymon:   Polish style in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. ContextBachStud 6 (2017), xvi, 402p
39. Paczkowski, Szymon:   'The Ideal of Great Music I Created for Myself'. Chopin, Bach and the Baroque Musical Tradition. [cr]Warsaw2017 (2019), 13-46
40. Paczkowski, Szymon (ed.):   Bach and Chopin: Baroque Traditions in the Music of the Romantics. [cr]Warsaw2017 (2019), 492p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita