Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Author : Neumann, Frederick
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Neumann, Frederick:   Problems of Interpretation in the Music of Bach: I. The Pitfalls of Historical Sources. AmerMTeacher 12/5 (May-Jun 1963), 20-21
2. Neumann, Frederick:   Problems of Interpretation in the Music of Bach, Part II. AmerMTeacher 13/2 (Nov-Dec 1963)
3. Neumann, Frederick:   Misconceptions about the French Trill in the 17th and 18th Centuries. MQ 50/2 (Apr 1964), 188-206
4. Neumann, Frederick:   The French 'Inégeles', Quantz, and Bach. JAMSoc 18/3 (Autumn 1965), 313-358
5. Neumann, Frederick:   A New Look at Bach's Ornamentation. MLetters 46/1, 2 (Jan; Apr 1965), 4-15; 126-133
6. Neumann, Frederick:   La note pointée et la soi-disant 'manière française'. RevueMcol 51/ 1 (1965), 66-92
7. Neumann, Frederick:   External Evidence and Uneven Notes. MQ 52/4 (Oct 1966), 448-464
8. Neumann, Frederick:   The Use of Baroque Treatises on Musical Performance. MLetters 48/4 (Oct 1967), 315-324
9. Neumann, Frederick:   Notes on 'Melodic' and 'Harmonic' Ornaments. MReview 29/4 (1968), 249-256
10. Neumann, Frederick:   Couperin and the Downbeat Doctrine for Appoggiaturas. ActaMcol 41/1-2 (Jan-Jun 1969), 71-85
11. Neumann, Frederick:   Ornament and Structure. MQ 56/2 (Apr 1970), 153-161
12. Neumann, Frederick:   The Question of Rhythm in the Two Versions of Bach's French Ouverture, BWV 831. [fs]Mendel (1974), 183-194
13. Neumann, Frederick:   The dotted note and the so-called French style. EarlyM 5/3 (Jul 1977), 310-324
14. Neumann, Frederick:   Facts and Fiction about Overdotting. MQ 63/2 (Apr 1977), 155-185
15. Neumann, Frederick:   Ornamentation in Baroque and Post-Baroque Music with Special Emphasis on J. S. Bach. (1978), 630p
16. Neumann, Frederick:   Once more: the 'French overture style'. EarlyM 7/1 (Jan 1979), 39-43, 45
17. Neumann, Frederick:   The Overdotting Syndrome: Anatomy of a Delusion. MQ 67/3 (Jul 1981), 305-347
18. Neumann, Frederick:   Notes on Bach and Handel Sonatas. AmerStringTeacher 32/3 (Summer 1982), 26-27
19. Neumann, Frederick:   The Use of Baroque Treatises on Musical Performance. StudMcol 58 (1982), 1-9, 173-174
20. Neumann, Frederick:   Donington's 'A Performer's Guide to Baroque Music' -- A Review. StudMcol 58 (1982), 11-15, 274
21. Neumann, Frederick:   The French 'Inégales', Quantz, and Bach. StudMcol 58 (1982), 17-54, 274-285
22. Neumann, Frederick:   An Answer to Donington's Critique. StudMcol 58 (1982), 55-58
23. Neumann, Frederick:   External Evidence and Uneven Notes. StudMcol 58 (1982), 59-72, 285-288
24. Neumann, Frederick:   The Dotted Note and the So-Called French Style (FN1) StudMcol 58 (1982), 73-98, 288-289
25. Neumann, Frederick:   Rhythm in the Two Versions of Bach's French Overture, BWV 831 (FN2). StudMcol 58 (1982), 99-110, 289-291
26. Neumann, Frederick:   Facts and Fiction about Overdotting (FN3). StudMcol 58 (1982), 111-135, 291-294
27. Neumann, Frederick:   Once More: The 'French Overture Style' (FN4). StudMcol 58 (1982), 137-150, 295
28. Neumann, Frederick:   The Overdotting Syndrome: Anatomy of a Delusion (FN5). StudMcol 58 (1982), 151-182, 296-300
29. Neumann, Frederick:   Misconceptions About the French Trill in the 17th and 18th Centuries. StudMcol 58 (1982), 183-196, 300-304
30. Neumann, Frederick:   A New Look at Bach's Ornamentation. StudMcol 58 (1982), 197-215, 304-305
31. Neumann, Frederick:   Notes on 'Melodic' and 'Harmonic' Ornaments. StudMcol 58 (1982), 217-225, 305-306
32. Neumann, Frederick:   Couperin and the Downbeat Doctrine for Appoggiaturas. StudMcol 58 (1982), 227-241, 306-309
33. Neumann, Frederick:   Ornament and Structure. StudMcol 58 (1982), 243-250, 309-310
34. Neumann, Frederick:   Essays in Performance Practice. StudMcol 58 (1982), xii, 321p
35. Neumann, Frederick:   Bach: Progressive or Conservative and the Authorship of the Goldberg Aria. MQ 71/3 (1985), 281-294
36. Neumann, Frederick:   The Rhythm in 'Behold the Lamb of God'. AmerChoralReview 28/4 (Oct 1986), 18-22
37. Neumann, Frederick:   Interpretation Problems of Ornament Symbols and Two Recent Case Histories: Hans Klotz on Bach, Faye Ferguson on Mozart. PerformPractReview 1/1 (Spring-Fall 1988), 71-106
38. Neumann, Frederick:   Some Controversial Aspects of the Authenticity School. StudMcol 108 (1989), 17-31
39. Neumann, Frederick:   The Rise of the Early Music Movement. StudMcol 108 (1989), 3-16
40. Neumann, Frederick:   Conflicting Binary and Ternary Rhythms: From the Theory of Mensural notation to the Music of J. S. Bach. StudMcol 108 (1989), 35-64
41. Neumann, Frederick:   The 'Notes Inégales' Revisited. StudMcol 108 (1989), 65-76
42. Neumann, Frederick:   Graham Pont's 'Paradigm of Inconsistency' and the Interpretation of Handel's Overtures. StudMcol 108 (1989), 77-84
43. Neumann, Frederick:   Interpretation Problems of Ornament Symbols and Two Recent Case Histories: Hans Klotz on Bach, Faye Ferguson on Mozart. StudMcol 108 (1989), 121-153
44. Neumann, Frederick:   Bach: Progressive or Conservative and the Authorship of the Goldberg Aria. StudMcol 108 (1989), 195-208
45. Neumann, Frederick:   Notes on the Violin Sonatas of Bach and Handel. StudMcol 108 (1989), 221-225
46. Neumann, Frederick:   New Essays on Performance Practice. StudMcol 108 (1989), x, 257p
47. Neumann, Frederick:   Tadashii Soshokuon Soho. (1992), 414p
48. Neumann, Frederick:   Some Performance Problems of Bach's Unaccompanied Violin and Cello Works. FestschriftSer 13 (1994), 19-46
49. Neumann, Frederick:   Notes Inégales for Bach, Overdotting for Everybody? A Commentary on an Attempt to Revive Dolmetsch's 'Rhythmic Alterations'. HistPerformance 7/1 (1994), 13-26
50. Neumann, Frederick:   Una nueva aproximación a la ornamentación de Bach. Quodlibet 2; 3 (1995), 19-33; 19-28
51. Neumann, Frederick:   Bach: Progressive or Conservative and the Authorship of the Goldberg Aria. [ce]BaroqueComposers (2011), 445-458
52. Neumann, Frederick:   Some Performance Problems of Bach's Unaccompanied Violin and Cello Works. [ce]BaroqueComposers (2011), 529-558

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita