Bach Bibliography
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Author : Herz, Gerhard
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TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Herz, Gerhard:   Johann Sebastian Bach im Zeitalter des Rationalismus und der Frühromantik. Zur Geschichte der Bachbewegung von ihren Anfängen bis zur Wiederaufführung der Matthäuspassion im Jahre 1829. (1935), vi, 104p
2. Herz, Gerhard:   Johann Sebastian Bach im Zeitalter des Rationalismus und der Frühromantik. Zur Geschichte der Bachbewegung von ihren Anfängen bis zur Wiederaufführung des Matthäuspassion im Jahre 1829. diss. (1935), 48p
3. Herz, Gerhard:   Zur Geschichte der Bachbewegung. SchweizerischeMzSängerBl 75/21 (1 Nov 1935), 665-669
4. Herz, Gerhard:   Bach and the Classics of Vienna as Seen by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. MMercury 4/2 (Jun-Jul 1937), 25-30
5. Herz, Gerhard:   Orchestral Transcriptions of Johann Sebastian Bach's Works And Their Recordings. MMercury 5/2 (Dec 1937), 33-45
6. Herz, Gerhard:   Certain Aspects of the Bach Movement. MQ 24/4 (Oct 1938), 501-511
7. Herz, Gerhard:   The Evolutionary Conception of Bach Interpretation. BulAMSoc 3 (Apr 1939), 9
8. Herz, Gerhard:   A 'New' Bach Portrait. MQ 29/2 (Apr 1943), 225-241
9. Herz, Gerhard:   Bach's Religion. JRenaissBaroqM 1/2 (1946), 124-138
10. Herz, Gerhard (ed.):   Cantata no.4 Christ lag in Todesbanden / Johann Sebastian Bach. (1967), 138p
11. Herz, Gerhard:   Toward a New Image of Bach. [Part I.] Bach 1/4 (Oct 1970), 9-27
12. Herz, Gerhard:   BWV 131: Bach's first cantata. [fs]Geiringer70 (1970), 272-291
13. Herz, Gerhard:   Toward a New Image of Bach. Part II. Bach 2/1 (Jan 1971), 7-28
14. Herz, Gerhard (ed.):   Johann Sebastian Bach. Cantata No. 140 Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme. The Score of the New Bach Edition. Backgrounds, Analysis, Views and Comments. (1972), viii, 175p
15. Herz, Gerhard:   New Light on the Performance-History of Bach's B Minor Mass. [p]AMS_SouthCentral (Apr 1972)
16. Herz, Gerhard:   The Performance History of Bach's B Minor Mass. (1973), 21p
17. Herz, Gerhard:   The Performance Histry of Bach's B Minor Mass. AmerChoralReview 15/1 (Jan 1973), 5-21
18. Herz, Gerhard:   Der lombardische Rhythmus im 'Domine Deus' der h-Moll-Messe J. S. Bachs. BachJb 60 (1974), 90-97
19. Herz, Gerhard:   J S Bach 1733: A 'new' Bach Signature. [fs]Mendel (1974), 254-263
20. Herz, Gerhard:   Lombard Rhythm in the Domine Deus of Bach's B minor Mass: An Old Controversy Resolved. Bach 8/1 (Jan 1977), 3-11
21. Herz, Gerhard:   Music for two harpsichords (Musik für zwei Cembali) and German keyboard music of about 1700. MQ 63/4 (Oct 1977), 562-572
22. Herz, Gerhard:   Lombard Rhythm in Bach's Music--Some Final Conclusions. [p]AMS_SouthCentral (Apr 1977)
23. Herz, Gerhard:   A Bach Signature in the Possession of Gerhard Herz. Bach 9/4 (Oct 1978), 23-24
24. Herz, Gerhard:   Der lombardische Rhythmus in Bachs Vokalschaffen. BachJb 64 (1978), 148-180
25. Herz, Gerhard:   More on Bach's Cantata No. 4: Date and Style. A reply to Crawford R. Thoburn. AmerChoralReview 21/2 (Apr 1979), 3-19
26. Herz, Gerhard:   Bach Sources in America. [p]AMS_SouthCentral (Apr 1979)
27. Herz, Gerhard:   Bach Sources in America. AmerChoralReview 25/2 (Apr 1983), 5-51
28. Herz, Gerhard:   Bach-Quellen in Amerika. [fs]Dürr65 (1983), 99-107
29. Herz, Gerhard:   Bach-Quellen in Amerika. Bach Sources in America. (1984), 434p
30. Herz, Gerhard:   Toward a New Image of Bach. Bach 16/1 (Jan 1985), 12-52
31. Herz, Gerhard:   The Choral Music. [p]AMS_SouthCentral (Apr 1985)
32. Herz, Gerhard:   J. S. Bach's Impact on the World Around Him. StudMcol 73 (1985), 1-18
33. Herz, Gerhard:   Sebastian Bach's Survival in the Age of Rationalism. StudMcol 73 (1985), 19-50
34. Herz, Gerhard:   J. S. Bach and the Church Music of the Age of Rationalism: A Style-Critical Comparison of Bach's St. Matthew Passion and C. H. Graun's Tod Jesu. StudMcol 73 (1985), 51-66
35. Herz, Gerhard:   Johann Sebastian Bach in the Early Romantic Period. StudMcol 73 (1985), 67-110
36. Herz, Gerhard:   BWV 131: Bach's First Cantata (1970). StudMcol 73 (1985), 127-148
37. Herz, Gerhard:   Toward a New Image of Bach (1970/71). StudMcol 73 (1985), 149-186
38. Herz, Gerhard:   The Performance History of Bach's B Minor Mass (1973). StudMcol 73 (1985), 187-204
39. Herz, Gerhard:   Thoughts on the First Movement of Johann Sebastian Bach's Cantata No.77 (1974). StudMcol 73 (1985), 205-220
40. Herz, Gerhard:   Lombard Rhythm in the Domine Deus of Bach's B Minor Mass (1974) StudMcol 73 (1985), 221-229
41. Herz, Gerhard:   Lombard Rhythm in Bach's Vocal Music (1978). StudMcol 73 (1985), 233-268
42. Herz, Gerhard:   Essays on J. S. Bach. StudMcol 73 (1985), xxxi, 276p
43. Herz, Gerhard:   Concertists and Ripienists: An Old Performance Problem Revisited. AmerChoralReview 29/3-4 (Summer-Fall 1987), 35-51
44. Herz, Gerhard:   The human side of the American Bach sources. BachStud 1 (1989), 323-350
45. Herz, Gerhard:   Yoshitake Kobayashi's Article 'On the Chronology of the last phase of Bach's Work - Compositions and Performances: 1736 to 1750' - An Analysis with Translated Portions of the Original Text. Bach 21/1 (Spring 1990), 3-25
46. Herz, Gerhard:   The Story behind Alfred Dürr's 'Capriccio'. Bach 21/3 (Winter 1990), 4-8
47. Herz, Gerhard:   Thoughts on The New Grove Bach Family. [fs]Scheide (1993), 135-141
48. Herz, Gerhard:   Yoshitake Kobayashi's Article 'On the Chronology of the last phase of Bach's Work - Compositions and Performances: 1736 to 1750' - An Analysis with Translated Portions of the Original Text'. [ce]BaroqueComposers (2011), 149-171

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita