Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Author : HaCohen, Ruth
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. HaCohen, Ruth:   Between Noise and Harmony: The Oratorical Moment in the Musical Entanglements of Jews and Christians. CriticalInquiry 32 (2006), 250-277
2. HaCohen, Ruth:   Exploring the Limits: the Tonal, the Gestural, and the Allegorical in Bach's Musical Offering. UnderstandingBach 1 (2006), 19-38
3. Bruckstein, Almut Sh.; HaCohen, Ruth:   An experiment in reception and conception: re-texting Bach's St John Passion for Good Friday 2005. UnderstandingBach 1 (2006), 87-88
4. HaCohen, Ruth:   Nineteenth-Century Legacy Projected onto the Twenty First: A German-Israeli Dialogue on Bach's Passions. [p]BNUK_Oxford (Jan 2008)
5. HaCohen, Ruth:   The Dramaturgy of Religious Emotions in Bach's Cantatas: Aristotelian Processes in Neo-Platonic Frames. [p]BNUK_Oxford (Jan 2009)
6. HaCohen, Ruth:   The Dramaturgy of Religious Emotions in Bach's Cantatas: Aristotelian Process in Neoplatonic Frames. UnderstandingBach 4 (2009), 33-54
7. HaCohen, Ruth:   The Music Libel Against the Jews. (2011), 532p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita