Bach Bibliography
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Author : Greer, Mary
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TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Greer, Mary:   Vocal Texture as a Means of Classifying J. S. Bach's Sacred Duets. [p]ABS_Atlanta (Apr 1994) Paper read at the Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society, Atlanta, Georgia, April, 1994; also at New England Chapter Meeting of the American Musicological Society, Durham, New Hampshire, 23 April, 1994.
2. Greer, Mary Jewett:   The Sacred Duets and Terzets of Johann Sebastian Bach: A Study of Genre and Musical Text Interpretation. diss. (1996), xv, 505 Bl. PhD diss. Harvard University, 1996. xv, 505 Bl.
3. Greer, Mary J.:   Recent Bach Publications. AmerBachSocNL (Spring 1997), 5-7.
4. Greer, Mary J.:   Report on the Yale Meeting. AmerBachSocNL (Fall 1998), 2-3.
5. Greer, Mary J.:   Recent Bach Publications. AmerBachSocNL (Spring 1998), 5-7.
6. Greer, Mary:   The Identities of the Triumvirate in BWV 38/5 Revealed: The Influence of Luther's Exegesis on Bach's Compositional Choices in a Sacred Terzet. [p]AMS_Boston (Oct 1998) A paper read at the American Musicological Society Annual Meeting in Boston, 29 October - 1 November 1998.
7. Greer, Mary J.:   Lost Archive of C. P. E. Bach discovered in Kyiv. AmerBachSocNL (Fall 1999), 3-4.
8. Greer, Mary J.:   Recent Dissertations. AmerBachSocNL (Spring 1999), 4-5.
9. Greer, Mary J.:   Bach in der Welt: USA. MKirche 69/4 (Jul-Aug 1999), 264-266. Übersetzung: Christine Hartlieb.
10. Greer, Mary:   The Identities of the Triumvirate in BWV 38/5 Revealed: The Influence of Luther's Exegesis of Psalm 130 on Bach's Compositional Choices in a Sacred Terzet. [p]IATB_Logumkloster (Oct 1999) Paper read at Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft für theologische Bachforschung e.V. 'Tradition und Erneuerung in Johann Sebastian Bachs Choralbearbeitungen' Die Gestaltung des lutherischen Kirchenliedes in Bachs Choralkantaten und Orgelchorälen. Symposium vom 30. September - 4. Oktober 1999 im Tagungszentrum Løgumkloster/Dänemark.
11. Greer, Mary J.:   Recent Bach Publications. AmerBachSocNL (Spring 2000), 10-14.
12. Greer, Mary J.:   Report on 'Bach Symposium: The World and Music of Johann Sebastian Bach' Lincoln Center, New York City. AmerBachSocNL (Spring 2000), 2.
13. Greer, Mary J.:   Getting to the Bottom of the Ascension Day Cantata 'Auf Christi Himmelfahrt allein' (BWV 128): Connection to Luther's Commentary on Psalm 110:1. [p]IBS_Utrecht (Sep 2000) Paper read at International Bach Symposium Utrecht 2000, University of Utrecht 12-14 September 2000.
14. Greer, Mary:   Embracing faith: the message of the medium in selected sacred cantatas by J. S. Bach. [p]ABS_Houston (Apr 2002) A paper read at Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society, April 26-28, 2002 at University of Houston, Rice University Houston, TX. 'J. S. Bach: Liturgy--Music--Theology.'
15. Greer, Mary:   Embracing Faith: The Message of the Medium in Selected Sacred Cantatas by J.S. Bach. [p]IATB_Eisenach (Mar 2002) Paper read at the Tagung der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für theologische Bachforschung e.V. 14.-17. März 2002 in Verbindung mit der Evang.-Luth. Kirchgemeinde Eisenach, der Gesellschaft
16. Greer, Mary:   Embracing Faith: The Duet as Metaphor in Selected Sacred Cantatas by J. S. Bach. Bach 34/1 (2003), 1-71.
17. Greer, Mary J.:   'The Public...Would Probably Prefer Something that Appeals Less to the Brain and More to the Senses': The Reception of Bach's Music in New York City, 1855-1900. BachPerspectives 5 (2003), 57-114.
18. Greer, Mary J.:   Passion and Faith: A Shared Musical Language. [p]WAfB_Wolfenbüttel (Apr 2003) Passion, Affekt und Leidenschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit. 11. Jahrestreffen des Wolfenbütteler Arbeitskreises für Barockforschung in der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel vom 2. bis 5. April 2003
19. Dalton Greer, Mary:   Anne Leahy (1961-2007): A Personal Remembrance. BachNotesABS 8 (Fall 2007), 21-22.
20. Dalton Greer, Mary:   Bach's Calov Bible and his Quest for the Title of Royal Court Composer. [cr]Belfast2007 1 (2007), 150-176.
21. Dalton Greer, Mary:   From the House of Aaron to the House of Johann Sebastian: Old Testament Roots for the Bach Family Tree. [ce]AboutBach (2008), 15-32.
22. Butler, Gregory G.; Stauffer, George B.; Dalton Greer, Mary (eds.):   About Bach. [Dedicated with affection to Christoph Wolff, Scholar; Mentor; Friend.] Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2008. xi, 216p. ISBN: 13: 978-0-252-03344-5; 10-0-252-03344-2. [contents]
23. Greer, Mary:   A Fresh Look at the Annotations in Bach's Calov Bible: Clues to the Identity of the Previous Owner and Implications for Bach Studies. [p]ABS_Wisconsin (May 2010) A Paper read at the Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society 'BACH AND HIS GERMAN CONTEMPORARIES', May 7-9, 2010, University of Wisconsin-Madison
24. Greer, Mary:   Masonic Allusions in the Dedications of two Canons by J. S. Bach: BWV 1078 and 1075. Bach 43/2 (2012), 1-45.
25. Greer, Mary:   'Denn er ist unser Friede' ['For He is our peace']: The Significance of the Marking 'Due Chori in unisono' in the Autograph Score of J. S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion. Bach 45/1 (2014), 44-89.
26. Greer, Mary:   The Secret Subscribers to C. P. E. Bach's Die Israeliten in der Wüste: A Masonic Connection?. [p]ABS_Ohio (May 2014) A paper read at the biennial meeting of the American Bach Society 'Johann Sebastian Bach and His Sons' held at Kenyon College in Ohio, May 1-4, 2014.
27. Greer, Mary:   'Matai Junankyoku' no Jihitsujoshofu ni okeru Aka Ink no Shiyo ni tsuite. BCJ 112 (Apr 2015), 50-51. [The use of red ink used in the autograph fair copy of St Matthew Passion] Trans. Nahoko Goto.
28. Greer, Mary:   The Secret Subscribers to C. P. E. Bach's Oratorio Die Israeliten in der Wüste: The Masonic Connection. Bach 47/2 (2016), 77-94.
29. Greer, Mary:   'Jitsuni Kirisuto wa Watashitachi no Heiwa: Futatsu no Mono o Hitotsu ni shi': 'Matai Junankyoku' ni okeru Jiju no Heiwa no Message. BCJ 117 (Mar 2016), 48-51. ['Truly Christ is our peace by making two things into one': Double message of peace in St Matthew Passion] Trans. Nahoko Goto.
30. Greer, Mary:   The Genesis of Bach's Eight-Voice Motet Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225: A New Hypothesis. [p]ABS_SouthBend (Apr 2016) A paper read at the biennial meeting of the American Bach Society 'J. S. Bach and the Confessional Landscape of His Time' held at University of Notre Dame (South Bend, IN), April 7-10, 2016.
31. Greer, Mary:   Toward an Understanding of J. S. Bach's Use of Red Ink in the Autograph Score of the Matthew Passion. ContextBachStud 8 (2018), 75-102.
32. Greer, Mary J.:   Robin A. Leaver Honored. BachNotesABS 32 (Spring 2020), [1].
33. Greer, Mary J.:   Barbara Wolff (June 23, 1936-June 24, 2020) BachNotesABS 33 (Fall 2020), 2.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita