Bach Bibliography
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Author : Fazekas, Gergely
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TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Fazekas, Gergely:   A tudós zeneszerző tudósa. Muzsika 48/3 (2005), 14f. [Scientist of the scientific composer]
2. Fazekas, Gergely:   Egy arabeszkfogalom és zenei konzekvenciái: Dallamformálás és polifónia Debussy zenéjében. MagyarZene 45/2 (May 2007), 143-181. [A concept of the arabesque and its musical consequences: Melodic construction and polyphony in Debussy's music]
3. Fazekas, Gergely:   A variáció mint formai reflexió: A Goldberg-variációk és a zenei forma. MagyarZene 46/4 (Nov 2008), 353-366. [Variation as a reflection on form: Questions of form in the 'Goldberg' variations] Bartha Dénes-konferencia. [BWV 988]
4. Fazekas, Gergely:   Megérteni Bach h-moll miséjét. Muzsika 51/1 (Jan 2008)
5. Fazekas, Gergely:   Inventio vs. dispositio: A bachi fúga ŕs a zenei forma. MagyarZene 47/2 (May 2009), 147-161. [Inventio vs. dispositio: Bach's fugues and the problem of musical form] [BWV 852; 882]
6. Fazekas, Gergely:   Improvizatív és tervezett zenei forma: Szabályok és stratégiák Vivaldi és J.S. Bach concertóiban. MagyarZene 47/3 (Aug 2009), 223-238. ['Extemporized' and planned musical form: Rules and strategies in concertos by Vivaldi and J.S. Bach] [RV 265 (op. 3, no. 12), BWV 1042]
7. Fazekas, Gergely:   Euritmia, azaz, 'Wohlgereimheit': Szimmetrikus struktúrák Johann Sebastian Bachnál. MagyarZene 48/4 (Nov 2010), 381-395. [Eurhythmy, or, Wohlgereimheit: Formal symmetry in Johann Sebastian Bach's music] [BWV 1018, 803, 91]
8. Fazekas, Gergely:   Inner Time, Outer Time and 'Da Capo' Form. Structure and meaning in J.S. Bach's E major violin concerto (BWV 1042). [p]BICB_Belfast (Jul 2010) A Paper read at the 14th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music held at Queen's University Belfast, 30 June-4 July 2010.
9. Fazekas, Gergely:   J. S. Bach és a zenei forma két kultúrája. diss. (2012), 221p. [J. S. Bach and two cultures of music] PhD diss., Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest, 2012. 211p.
10. Fazekas, Gergely:   J.S. Bach és a zenemű folgalma MagyarZene 50/4 (Nov 2012), 378-401. [J.S. Bach and the concept of the work of art] Latin 2
11. Fazekas, Gergely:   J. S. Bach and the Two Cultures of Musical Form. [p]BICB_Salzburg (Jul 2014) A Paper read at the 16th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music held at University Mozarteum Salzburg, 9-13 July 2014.
12. Fazekas, Gergely:   The conflict of symmetrical form and text setting by J. S. Bach. [p]BNUK_Cambridge (Jul 2015) A paper presented at the dialogue session 'Bach's musical texts' at the Seventh J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting at Madingley Hall, Cambridge, 8-10 July 2015.
13. Fazekas, Gergely:   J. S. Bach and the Two Cultures of Musical Form. UnderstandingBach 10 (2015), 109-122. [BWV 870, 870a, 1011/4]
14. Fazekas, Gergely:   Formal deviation in the Kyrie of the Mass in B Minor. [p]BICB_Canterbury (Jul 2016) A paper read at the 17th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music held at Canterbury Christ Church University, 13-17 July 2016. Abstract on pp. 61-62.
15. Fazekas, Gergely:   The Conflict of Symmetrical Form and Text Settings by J. S. Bach. UnderstandingBach 11 (2016), 83-105. [BWV 91, 179, 201, 236, 803, 1051, 1053]
16. Fazekas, Gergely:   Formal Deviations in the First Kyrie of the B minor Mass. UnderstandingBach 12 (2017), 21-36.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita