Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Fabian Somorjay, Dorottya: A Bach-interpretacio valtozo stilusa: Goldberg variációk 1945-1978. [fs]Kroo70 (1996), 26-41 | |
| 2. | Fabian Somorjay, Dorottya: Changing style in performing J.S. Bach's music, 1945-1978: The Goldberg Variations Consort 53 (1997), 23-39 | |
| 3. | Fábián Somorjay, Dorottya [Fabian Somorjay, Dorottya]: A Goldberg-variációk különböző felvételei: A Bach-interpretáció változása 1945-1981 között. BachTanulmanyok 6 (1999), 17-34 | Latin 2
| 4. | Schubert, Emery; Fabian Somorjay, Dorottya: The perception of dotted rhythms and the kerning illusion. [cr]ESCOM_Keele (2000) | |
| 5. | Fabian Somorjay, Dorottya; Schubert, Emery: The multidimensional perception space of Baroque music. [cr]ESCOM_Keele (2000) | |
| 6. | Fabian Somorjay, Dorottya: Bach performances during the late 20th century: practice, scholarship and reception. [p]BCB_Dublin (Jul 2000) | |
| 7. | Fabian Somorjay, Dorottya: Musicology and performance Practice: In Search of a Historical Style with Bach Recordings. StudMcolAcadSciHungaricae 41/1-3 (2000), 77-106 | |