Bach Bibliography
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Author : F., D.
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Christoff, Dimiter [Christov]:   Kompozicionni problemi vav fugite na 'Dobre temperirano piano' J. S. Bach. [Compositional problem in the fugues of 'Well-Tempered Clavier'] Sofia: Nauka i Izkustvo, 1968. 206p. - Sofia: Izd. Muzika 2/1975. 206p.
2. F., D.:   English Bach Festival 76. MMusicians 24/ 8: 284 (Apr 1976), 6-7. Counterpoint.
3. Tishkoff, Doris Patricia:   Sensibility in the eighteenth century as seen in the fantasias from the Für Kenner und Liebhaber of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. diss. (1983), 193p. PhD diss., History: Michigan State Univ., 1983. 193p. [DA 83-15516.] - Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, Section: A, page: 0833.
4. Christoff, Dimiter:   Bahovite dvuglasni invencii: Struktura i procesualnost--Teorija na kompozicijata. [The Bach inventions: Structure and process--a theory of composition] Sofija, Bulgaria: Muzika, 1995. 2 vols. 178; 138p.
5. Musketa, Konstanze; Bischoff, Dietrich-Karl (eds.):   Was dieser Geldmangel uns vor tägl. Kummer machet. Briefe, Johann Friedrich Fasch betreffend, aus dem St. Bartholomäi-Stift zu Zerbst (1752 bis 1757) Oschersleben: Ziethen, 1997. 168p. ISBN: 3-932090-13-6. (= Schriftenreihe zur mitteldeutschen Musikgeschichte: Serie 1, Quellenschr., 3) [contents]
6. Freitas, Thiago Colombo de; Wolff, Daniel:   As ligaduras longas na ciaccona em ré menor BWV 1004 de J.S. Bach e sua adaptação em transcrição para violão. MusicaHodie 6/2 (Jul-Dec 2006), 35-49. [The long slurs in the ciaccona in D minor, BWV 1004, by J.S. Bach and their adaptation in an arrangement for guitar]
7. Alípio, Alisson; Wolff, Daniel:   O processo de digitação para violão da Ciaccona BWV 1004 de Johann Sebastian Bach. Opus 16/2 (2010), 80-101.
8. Stauff, Derek:   Report on the American Bach Society's 2012 Conference. BachNotesABS 18 (Spring 2013), 9-11.
9. Stauff, Derek:   Religious Conflict in the Cantatas of Bach and His Contemporaries. [p]ABS_SouthBend (Apr 2016) A paper read at the biennial meeting of the American Bach Society 'J. S. Bach and the Confessional Landscape of His Time' held at University of Notre Dame (South Bend, IN), April 7-10, 2016.
10. Stauff, Derek:   The Church under Persecution: Bach's Cantatas for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. BachPerspectives 12 (2018), 104-128.
11. [Stauff, Derek]:   Tiny Bach Concerts. BachNotesABS 33 (Fall 2020), [1].

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita