Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Erickson, Raymond: Secret Codes, Dance and Bach's Great 'Ciaccona'. EarlyMAmer 8/2 (Summer 2002), 34-43 | |
| 2. | Erickson, Raymond: Bach's 'Ciaccona' for Solo Violin: Challenging the modern performance tradition. [p]ABS_Houston (Apr 2002) | |
| 3. | Erickson, Raymond: Toward a 21st-Century Interpretation of Bach's Ciaccona for Solo Violin, BWV 1004/5. AmerBachSocNL (Spring 2003), 1, 5, 10 | |
| 4. | Erickson, Raymond: Leipzig Theologians and the Early Enlightenment: A new avenue to the issue of Bach and the Jews. [p]ABS_Leipzig (May 2006) | |
| 5. | Erickson, Raymond: The Legacies of J. S. Bach. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), 1-64 | |
| 6. | Erickson, Raymond (ed.): The Worlds of Johann Sebastian Bach. [ce]AstonMagnaAcademy (2009), xvii, 344p | |
| 7. | Erickson, Raymond; Tatlow, Ruth; Melamed, Daniel R.: Bach & Friends: Three Reviews of Michael Lawrence's New Film. BachNotesABS 13 (Fall 2010), 1-4 | |
| 8. | Erickson, Raymond: The Early Enlightenment, Jews, and Bach. MQ 94/4 (Winter 2011), 518-547 | |
| 9. | Erickson, Raymond: The Early Enlightenment, Jews, and Bach: Further Considerations. [p]BNUK_Warsaw (Jul 2013) | |
| 10. | Erickson, Raymond: The Early Enlightenment, Jews, and Bach: Further Considerations. UnderstandingBach 9 (2014), 93-100 | |
| 11. | Erickson, Raymond: Popularisation and Transformation: Bach's Violin Ciaccona, BWV 1004/5 in the Nineteenth Century. [cr]Warsaw2017 (2019), 371-393 | |