Type | List | Author: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), Pages | Status | | 1. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: 'A really large and really beautiful organ': Johann Christoph Bach's new organ for St. George's Church in Eisenach. [p]ABS_Houston (Apr 2002) A paper read at Biennial Meeting of the American Bach Society, April 26-28, 2002 at University of Houston, Rice University Houston, TX. 'J. S. Bach: Liturgy--Music--Theology.' | |
| 2. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Johann Christoph Bach's New Organ for Eisenach's Georgenkirche. Bach 35/1 (2004), 42-60. | |
| 3. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Manual Designations as Registration Indicators in the Organ Chorales of J.S. Bach. [fs]Owen (2005), 125-147. | |
| 4. | Butler, Lynn Edwards; Butler, Gregory: 'Rare, newly invented stops': Scheibe's organ for St. Paul's Church, Leipzig. [fs]Vogel65 (2006), 285-306. | |
| 5. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: 'Requisites for a perfect and durable organ:' Examinations of Silbermann organs using Werckmeister's Orgel-Probe. [fs]Williams70 (2007), 101-116. | |
| 6. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Johann Christoph Bach und die von Georg Christoph Stertzing erbaute große Orgel der Georgenkirche in Eisenach. BachJb 94 (2008), 229-269. | |
| 7. | Butler, Lynn Edwards; Swack, Jeanne: Madison in May: The American Bach Society Holds its Biennial Meeting May 7-9, 2010. BachNotesABS 12 (Winter 2010), 3-9. Program and Abstracts. http://www.americanbachsociety.org/Newsletters/BachNotes12.pdf | |
| 8. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Leipzig's Organs in the Time of Bach. KeyboardPerspectives 3 (2010), 87-100. | |
| 9. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Bach, Johann Scheibe und die Orgeln in Zschortau und Stötteritz - Vier neue Quellen. BachJb 97 (2011), 265-268. Kleine Beiträge. | |
| 10. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Bach's Report on Johann Scheibe's Organ for Leipzig's St. Paul's Church: A Reassessment. [p]ABS_Rochester (Sep 2012) A paper read at the biennial meeting of the American Bach Society 'Bach and the Organ' held at the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, 27-30 September 2012. | |
| 11. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Four Sources Relating to Bach, Organ Builder Johann Scheibe, and the Organs in Zschortau and Stötteritz. Bach 44/2 (2013), 1-5. | |
| 12. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Ein Orgelbauer 'unter dem Einfluß Andreas Werckmeisters': Zacharias Hildebrandts Orgelkontrakte für Störmthal und Liebertwolkwitz. BachJb 101 (2015), 305-327. | |
| 13. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: Bach's Report on Johann Scheibe's Organ for St Paul's Church, Leipzig: A Reassessment. Bachperspectives 10 (2016), 1-15. | |
| 14. | Butler, Lynn Edwards: J. S. Bach in Altenburg: Ein bisher unbeachtetes Dokument. BachJb 106 (2020), 227-234. Kleine Beiträge. | |