Bach Bibliography
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Series : diss.
Year : 2001
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TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Cooper, David Thomas:   Bach cello suites transcribed and edited for trumpet and Bach cello suites 1-3, performed on trumpet. diss. (2001) DMA diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 2001. Advisor: John E. Aley.
2. Otsuka, Naoya:   J. S. Bach no Shukenban no tame no Toccata Kenkyu: BWV 910-916 no Seiritsu to Klavier no Gainen ni tsuite no Kosatsu. diss. (2001) [A study on J. S. Bach's Keyboard Toccatas: consideration on the origin of BWV 910-916 and the concept of clavier] PhD diss., Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, 2001.
3. Jung, Ja Young:   Preludes in all twenty-four major and minor keys, op. 67, by Johann Nepomuk Hummel: An investigation and analysis. diss. (2001), 144p. DMA diss, City University of New York, Graduate Center, 2001. 144p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2001. ISBN: 0-493-50734-5. Dissertation No: 3037408.
4. Edge, Dexter:   Mozart's Viennese copyists. diss. (2001), 2416p. PhD diss, University of Southern California, 2001. 2416p.
5. Davis, Stacey:   Implied Polyphony in the Unaccompanied String Works of J. S. Bach: Analysis, Perception, and Performance. diss. (2001), 266p. PhD diss. Northwestern University, 2001, 266p. Advisor: Richard Ashley.
6. Sanders, Reginald LeMonte:   Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and liturgical music at the Hamburg principal churches from 1768 to 1788. diss. (2001), 316p. PhD diss., Yale University, 2001. 316p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2001. ISBN: 0-493-43837-8; 978-0-493-43837-5. Dissertation No: 3030822
7. Cole, Warwick:   The Performance of Small-note Vorschläge in the Keyboard and Chamber Music of J. S. Bach. diss. (2001), 357p. PhD diss., Birmingham Conservatoire (UCE), 2001. 2 vols, 357pp.
8. Piña Rebeil, Juan Carlos:   La guitarra clásica a travéz de los períodos barroco y contemporáneo. diss. (2001), 35p. BMus diss., Universidad de las Américas Puebla, 2003. [Capítulo 1. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Cuarta Suite para Laúd en Mi Mayor BWV 1006a (1723-1731)]
9. White, Andrew Carl:   'Good invention repaid with interest': The Importance of Borrowing in Bach's Compositional Process. diss. (2001), 380p. PhD diss., Musicology, City University of New York, 2001. 380p. - Ann Arbor, MI: ISBN: 0-493-18605-0; 978-0-493-18605-4. Dissertation No: 3008882. - Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010. iii, 380p. ISBN 978-3-8383-1749-6.
10. Sun, Chiao-Ling:   Violin and dance in the Baroque era: The unaccompanied violin Partita BWV 1002 by Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. (2001), 56p. DMA diss, Univ. of California Santa Barbara, 2001. 56p. Advisor: Geoffrey Rutkowski.
11. Kalshoven, Laura Ann:   Viola da gamba sonatas by Johann Sebastian Bach and sons (Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. diss. (2001), 57p. DMA diss., Univ. of Maryland, College Park, 2001. 57p. Advisor: Gerald Fischbach.
12. Macri, Chiara:   La prassi esecutiva pianistica nei suoi fondamenti storici ebiomeccanici: Una nuova ipotesi metodologica. diss. (2001), 683p. [The historical and biomechanic principles of the piano performance practice: A new methodogical hypothesis] lau, Universita degli Studi di Bologna-Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia, 2001. 683 p.
13. Trolier, Kimberly Ann:   Analytical topics in Bach's flute sonatas. diss. (2001), 79p. DMA diss., Temple University, 2001. 79p
14. Wallis, Byron Malcolm:   Virtuosity and Illusion: Bach's C-major Solo Violin Fugue in the History of Violin Polyphony. diss. (2001), 90p. PhD diss. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2001, 90p. Advisor: Geoffrey Rutkowsky.
15. Arsenault, Valerie Prebys:   A Pedagogical Edition and Performer's Guide to J. S. Bach's Cello Suites (BWV 1007--1010) transcribed for the violin. diss. (2001), 92p. DM diss. The Florida State University, 2001, 92p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2001. ISBN: 0-493-13495-6; 978-0-493-13495-6. Dissertation No: 3004416.
16. Hess, Kimberly Ann:   The organ sonatas of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. diss. (2001), v, 223p. DMA diss., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2001, v, 223p.
17. Elbon, Virginia Elizabeth:   Symmetry and proportion: Generative and formative procedures of J. S. Bach's 'Brandenburg Concerto No. 3'. diss. (2001), vii, 33p. Master of Music Theory diss., West Virginia University, 2001. vii, 33p
18. Power, Tushaar:   J.S. Bach and the Divine Proportion. diss. (2001), xi, 255p. PhD., Duke University, Durham [USA], 2001. xi, 255p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2001. ISBN: 0-493-54647-2; 978-0-493-54647-6; Dissertation No: 3041307.
19. Brass, Christophe:   La basse fondamentale dans Le clavier bien tempéré de Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. (2001), xii, 867 p. [The fundamental bass in The well-tempered clavier of J.S. Bach] PhD diss., U. de Strasbourg II [Marc Bloch], 2001. 3 vols., xii, 867 p
20. Deyton, Timothy Jack:   A conductor's analysis of the Lutheran Mass in G Major and Cantata 179, 'Siehe zu, dass deine Gottesfurcht nicht Heuchelei sei', by Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. (2001), xv, 199p. DMA diss., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2001. xv, 199p. ISBN: 0-493-45819-0.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita