Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : diss.
Year : 1971
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Dickreiter, Michael:   Der Musikbegriff bei Johannes Kepler. diss. (1971)
2. Murata, Margaret:   Extravagant Harmony and Dissonance in Early 'Seicento' Keyboard Music: 'Stravaganze' and 'Durrezze e ligature'. diss. (1971)
3. Schwarz, Peter:   Studien zur Orgelmusik Franz Liszts. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Orgelkomposition im 19. Jahrhundert. diss. (1971)
4. König, Ingeborg:   Studien zum Libretto des Tod Jesu von Karl Wilhelm Ramler und Karl Heinrich Graun. diss. (1971), 163p
5. Holten, W. van:   Inleiding tot Das Wohltemperirte Clavier van Johann Sebastian Bach. gezien vanuit pianistische gezichthek. Bendaderd vanuit de spel-, toon- en klankmogelijkheden van de moderne vleugel. Kortom: muzikaal geïnterpreteerd vanuit het wezen der 20e eeuwse piano. diss. (1971), 191p
6. Streck, Harald:   Die Verskunst in den poetischen Texten zu den Kantaten J. S. Bachs. diss. (1971), 214p
7. Lora, Doris Liechty:   The perception of the motive in the Bach chorale preludes. diss. (1971), 270p
8. Cooper, Kenneth:   The Clavichord, the Bachs and German Emotionalism in the Eighteenth Century. diss. (1971), 286p
9. Staral-Baierle, Ilse Susanne:   Die Klavierwerke von Johann Christian Bach. diss. (1971), 328p
10. Clarke, J. Williams:   Interpreting Rhythm in Bach. On the Expressive Aspects of Rhythm in the 'Free Style' and Tempo Rubato. diss. (1971), 85p
11. Fall, Henry Cutler:   The Passion-tide cantatas of Christoph Graupner. diss. (1971), ix, 252p
12. Harmon, Thomas Fredric:   The Registration of J. S. Bach's Organ Works. A Study of German Organ-Building and Registration Practices of the Late Baroque Era. diss. (1971), vii, 372p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita