Bach Bibliography
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Series : diss.
Year : 1968
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Sweetkind, David:   Allegro and Adagio Rhythmic Style in the Instrumental Works of J. S. Bach. diss. (1968) PhD diss., Tallahassee: Florida State University, 1968.
2. Heuschneider, Karin Hildegard:   Contributions to the development of the piano sonata: The piano sonata of the eighteenth century in Germany (W. F. Bach, C. P. E. Bach, G. Benda, C. S. Binder, C. G. Neefe). diss. (1968) MM diss, Rhodes University, 1968.
3. Munkachy, Louis:   Franz Paul Rigler as Theorist and Composer. diss. (1968), 1029p. [Incl. English Translation of 'Anleitung zum Gesange, und dem Klaviere, oder die Orgel zu spielen']. PhD diss., Univ. Pittsburgh, 1968. 1029p.
4. Fujisawa, Noriko:   Johann Christian Bach: London ni okeru kare no Katsudo to Ongaku. diss. (1968), 105p. [Johann Christian Bach: Life and works in his London years] MA diss., Music History: Tokyo University of Arts, 1968. 105 p.
5. Kleiner, Nava:   The chorale prelude before J.S. Bach. diss. (1968), 109p. MA diss., Musicology: University of Toronto, 1968. 109 p.
6. Howard, Jay Norwood:   Johann Crüger as a Music Theorist: A Translation and Critical Commentary of his Synopsis Musica of 1630. diss. (1968), 248p. MA diss., Ohio State University, 1968. [iii], 248p
7. Corra, Arthur B.:   A guide to the performance of Bach's B Minor Mass. diss. (1968), 256p. DMus diss., Instrumental Conducting. Indiana University, 1968. 256p.
8. Krastin', V. M.:   Tradicii i novatorstvo v ispolnenii klavirnoj muzyki I. S. Bach. diss. (1968), 26p. [Traditionen und Neuerertum in der Ausführung der klaviermusik J. S. Bachs.] - Dissertation. Leningrad 1968. 26p.
9. Reed, Roy Alonzo:   Spenerian pietism and the cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach. diss. (1968), 270p. PhD diss., Boston University Graduate School, 1968. 270p. [DA 29 Dec, 1968, 1948A-1949A]
10. Wohlfarth, Hannsdieter:   Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach als Instrumentalkomponist. diss. (1968), 288p. PhD diss., Musicology, Heidelberg, 1968. 288p.
11. Suchalla, Ernst:   Die Orchestersinfonien Carl Philipp Emanuel Bachs nebst einem thematischen Verzeichnis seiner Orchesterwerke. diss. (1968), 297p. PhD diss., Musicology: Johannes-Gutenberg Univ., 1968. - Augsburg: Blasaditsch, 1968. 297 p.
12. Schramowski, Herbert:   Der Einfluß der instrumentalen Improvisation auf den künstlerischen Entwicklungsgang des Komponisten. diss. (1968), 355p. Hab. diss., Musicology. Karl Marx-Universität., 1968. 355 p.
13. Marshall, Robert Lewis:   The Compositional Process of J. S. Bach. A study of the Autograph Scores of the Vocal Works. diss. (1968), 660p. Princeton Univ. in 2 vols. 1968, 660p. (Ann Arbor: Univ. Microfilms. 1969.)
14. Richards, Ruthann Louise:   A Study of Johann Sebastian Bach's Orgelbüchlein and Eighteen Leipzig Chorales: Their Histories, an Analysis of the Treatment of the Chorale Melodies, and a Comparison of the Sets. diss. (1968), 91p. MM diss., University of Cincinnati 1969. 91p.
15. Kobayashi, Midori:   Mozart to Taiiho: tokuni 1782 'Bach Taiken' o Chushin to shite. diss. (1968), 98p. [Mozart and Counterpoint: focusing on his Bach Experience of 1782.] MA diss, Tokyo University of Arts, 1968. 98p.
16. Derr, Ellwood Shambaugh:   Cefalo e Procri (London, 1776): Dramatic Cantata for Three Voices and Orchestra by Johann Christian Bach; Critical Edition with Performance Suggestions and Commentary. diss. (1968), i, 162p. DMA diss., Composition, University of Illinois, 1968. 2 vols., i, 162p
17. Minorgan, David Bruce:   A study of the fugal imitative forms from their beginnings until the middle Baroque with special emphasis on those of southern Germany and Austria. diss. (1968), x, 176p. MA diss., Musicology: University of Toronto, 1968. x,176 p.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita