Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : [p]MSJ_Tokyo
Year : 2008
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Isoyama, Tadashi:   Roundtable 'J.S. Bach to C.P.E. Bach -- Densho to Sozoteki Juyo o megutte' (Speakers: Keiichi Kubota, Yoshitake Kobayashi, Yo Tomita). [p]MSJ_Tokyo (Oct 2008) [Symposium 'J.S. Bach and C.P.E. Bach - on transmission and creative reception'] A roundtable staged at the 59th Annual Meeting of Musicological Society of Japan from 24 to 25 October 2008 at Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo.
2. Kobayashi, Yoshitake:   Bach Kenkyu ni totte Emanuel Bach no Shogen wa doko made Shinrai dekiru ka. [p]MSJ_Tokyo (Oct 2008) [How far can Bach research rely on the testimony by Emanuel Bach?] A paper read as part of roundtable 'J.S. Bach and C.P.E. Bach - on transmission and creative reception' chaired by Tadashi Isoyama at the 59th Annual Meeting of Musicological Society of Japan from 24 to 25 October 2008 at Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo.
3. Tomita, Yo:   Bach Botsugo 50-nenkan ni okeru Mubanso Violin no tame no Sonata to Partita no Densho to Juyo ni kanshite. [p]MSJ_Tokyo (Oct 2008) [On the transmission and reception of the Sonatas and Partitas for Unaccompanied Violin in the 50 years following Bach's death.] A paper read as part of roundtable 'J.S. Bach and C.P.E. Bach - on transmission and creative reception' chaired by Tadashi Isoyama at the 59th Annual Meeting of Musicological Society of Japan from 24 to 25 October 2008 at Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo.
4. Kubota, Keiichi:   C.P.E Bach ni yoru J.S. Bach no Ongaku no 'Densho' to 'Sozoteki Juyo'. [p]MSJ_Tokyo (Oct 2008) [The transmission and creative reception of J.S. Bach's music by C.P.E. Bach] A paper read as part of roundtable 'J.S. Bach and C.P.E. Bach - on transmission and creative reception' chaired by Tadashi Isoyama at the 59th Annual Meeting of Musicological Society of Japan from 24 to 25 October 2008 at Kunitachi College of Music, Tokyo.

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita