Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : [fs]Koopman
Year : 2014
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Otten, Willemien:   Bach's Passions in a Secular World: Comments about Bach, Ambrose, and Augustine in honour of Ton Koopman. [fs]Koopman (2014), 33-50
2. Schnoor, Arndt:   Johann Sebastian Bach als Nutzer der Bestände der Ratsbücherei Lüneburg. [fs]Koopman (2014), 125-135
3. Clement, Albert:   An Ingenious Father Figure to Bach: Buxtehude and his Chorale Fantasia Nun freut euch, lieben Christen gmein. [fs]Koopman (2014), 137-159, 194-195
4. Broeyer, Frits:   Bach's Library as Starting Point for the Reception of his Music in the Netherlands. [fs]Koopman (2014), 161-176
5. Zwitser, Marcel S.:   'Blute nur, du liebes Herz!': The Motherly Love of God in Heinrich Müller's Göttliche Liebes=Flamme. [fs]Koopman (2014), 177-191
6. Wolff, Christoph:   Bach's St John Passion and its Gospel Text. [fs]Koopman (2014), 209-219, 196-197
7. Groot, Rokus de:   Shifting Cycles: Polymetrics in the Music of Johann Sebastian Bach. [fs]Koopman (2014), 223-232
8. Henssen, Ralph:   Zwei zur See fahrende Mitglieder der Familie Bach. [fs]Koopman (2014), 233-241, 199
9. Wollny, Peter:   An Unknown Collection of Organ Dispositions from Bach's Circle. [fs]Koopman (2014), 293-303
10. Maul, Michael:   Johann Matthias Holzhey's Fight for a New Instrument: Newly Discovered Documents about Organ Building, Playing, and Networking of Organists from Bach's Thuringia. [fs]Koopman (2014), 305-318
11. Clement, Albert (ed.):   Studies in Baroque: Festschrift Ton Koopman. [fs]Koopman (2014), 391p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita