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Series : [cr]StPetersburg2006
Year : 2008
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Poluektova, L.:   Traktat A. Berardi 'Documenti armonici' i pozdnie sochineniya I. S. Baha (K voprosu ob obligatnom konrapunkte). [cr]StPetersburg2006 (2008), 11-30
2. Rozanov, I.:   O pral'trillire K. F. E. Baha. [cr]StPetersburg2006 (2008), 31-65
3. Serebrennikov, Maxim:   Generalbas-fuga v pedagogicheskoj sisteme I. S. Baha. [cr]StPetersburg2006 (2008), 66-94
4. Diskin, K.:   Primery iz fug I. S. Baha v traktate I. G. Al'brehtsbergera 'Osnovatel'noe nastavlenie v kompozicii' [cr]StPetersburg2006 (2008), 95-125
5. Yankus, A.:   Predvaritel'naya rabota nad fugoj v rukopisyah Anny Amalii Prusskoj: sistema I. F. Kirnbergera. [cr]StPetersburg2006 (2008), 126-167
6. Yuzhak, Kira:   Po povodu dvuh kontrapunkticheskih rabot princessy Anny Amalii. [cr]StPetersburg2006 (2008), 168-215
7. Milka, Anatolij Pavlovič:   Poslednyaya fuga I. S. Baha. [cr]StPetersburg2006 (2008), 216-263 Latin 2
8. Milka, Anatolij Pavlovič; Yuzhak, K. I. (eds.):   Rabota nad fugoj: metod i shkola I. S. Baha. Materialy Vos'myh Bahovskih chtenij 20-27 aprelya 2006 goda. [cr]StPetersburg2006 (2008), 287p Latin 2

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita