Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : [cr]NewYork1961
Volume : 2
Year : 1962
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Mendel, Arthur:   Evidence and Explanation. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 3-18. First Public Address.
2. Kenney, Sylvia W.:   Origins and National Aspects of the Quodlibet. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 53-57. [A report on a discussion by Isabelle Cazeaux, Isabel Pope Conant, Kurt Von Fischer, Federico Ghisi, Kurt Gudewill, Knud Jeppesen, Sylvia W. Kenney, Edward R. Lerner, François Lesure, Dragan Plamenac, Geneviève Thibault De Chambure, and Hans Tischler of the paper by Gudewill]
3. Newman, Joel:   Problems of Editing and Publishing Old Music. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 101-104. [A report on a discussion by Konrad Ameln, Eva Badura-Skoda, Nathan Broder, Max Van Crevel, Hans T. David, Kurt Gudewill, Jean Jacquot, Alexander Hyatt King, Ralph Kirkpatrick, Arthur Mendel, Dragan Plamenac, Gilbert Reaney, Denis Stevens, and Karl Vötterle on the paper by Stevens]
4. Boyden, David D.:   Performance Practice in the 17th and 18th Centuries. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 122-126. [A report on a discussion of issues in Baroque performance practice by Putnam Aldrich, Sol Babitz, Eva Badura-Skoda, David D. Boyden, Thurston Dart, Otto Erich Deutsch, Robert Donington, Ralph Kirkpatrick, Jens Peter Larsen, Albert van der Linden, Arthur Mendel, Marc Pincherle, and Jack A. Westrup, based on the papers by Pincherle and Dart]
5. Bernstein, Martin:   The Chronology of the Orchestral Suites BWV, 1066-1069, considered from the points of view of (1) recently developed chronological criteria, and (2) the instrumental resources necessary for their performance. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 127-128. Bach Problems. I.
6. Treitler, Leo:   Bach Problems. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 127-131. [A report on a discussion by Georg von Dadelsen, Martin Bernstein, Friedrich Blume, Hans T. David, Alfred Dürr, Karl Geiringer, Arthur Mendel, William H. Scheide, And Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini of papers by Dadelsen and Walter Emery]
7. Blume, Friedrich:   Parodies among the Leipzig Arias. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 128-129. Bach Problems. II.
8. Geiringer, Karl:   Bach's work-cycle. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 129-130. Bach Problems. III.
9. Scheide, William H.:   Bach's relation to his texts. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 130. Bach Problems. IV.
10. Mendel, Arthur; Dürr, Alfred:   Assumptions underlying the new Bach chronology. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 130-131. Bach Problems. 1.
11. Dadelsen, Georg von; Geiringer, Karl:   Bach as 'conservator' vs. Bach as 'pathbreaker'. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 131. Bach Problems. 2.
12. Aldrich, Putnam:   The Role of Improvised and Written Ornamentation in the Evolution of Musical Language. [cr]NewYork1961 2 (1962), 166-171. [A report on a roundtable consisting of Putnam Aldrich, Robert Donington, Edith Gerson-Kiwi, Imogene Horsley, Erwin R. Jacobi, Otto Kinkeldey]
13. LaRue, Jan (ed.):   International Musicological Society. Report of the Eighth Congress, New York 1961. Volume II -- Reports. Edited by Jan LaRue. Published for the International Musicological Society by the American Musicological Society. - Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1962. xv, 184p. [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita