Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : [ce]WereldBachCantates
Volume : 1
Year : 1995
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Wolff, Christoph:   De geestelijke cantates voor Leipzig: Repertoire en context. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 12-27. [The pre-Leipzig church cantatas: Repertoire and context]
2. Wollny, Peter:   Genres en stijlen van de kerkmuziek rond 1700. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 28-43. [Genres and styles of church music around 1700]
3. Oefner, Claus:   Het muziekleven in de steden en aan de hoven in Midden-Duitsland rond 1700. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 44-57. [Musical life in the towns and at courts in central Germany around 1700]
4. Glöckner, Andreas:   Stadia in Bachs leven en werk. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 58-85. [Stages in Bach's life and works]
5. Stauffer, George B.:   De organist Bach. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 86-101. [The organist Bach]
6. Schulze, Hans-Joachim:   Bach: Virtuoos en componist. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 102-107. [Bach: Virtuoso and composer]
7. Schulze, Hans-Joachim:   Teksten en tekstdichters. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 110-117. [Texts and poets]
8. Petzoldt, Martin:   Liturgische en theologische aspecten. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 118-133. [Liturgical and theological aspects]
9. Petzoldt, Martin:   Bijbel, gezangboek en eredienst. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 134-156. [Bible, songbook, and devotional service]
10. Wolff, Christoph:   Koor en instrumentarium. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 156-167. [Choir and instrumentarium]
11. Melamed, Daniel R.:   Cantatekoren en koralen. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 168-183. [Cantata choirs and chorales] trans. Christo Lelie.
12. Wollny, Peter:   Cantate-aria's en -recitatieven. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 184-197. [Cantata arias and (cantata) recitatives]
13. Leisinger, Ulrich:   Affect, retoriek en muzikale uitdrukking. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 198-211. [Affect, rhetoric, and musical expression]
14. Koopman, Ton:   Aspecten van de uitvoeringspraktijk. [ce]WereldBachCantates 1 (1995), 212-227. [Aspects of performance practice]
15. Wolff, Christoph (ed.):   De wereld van de Bach Cantates. 1. Johann Sebastian Bachs geestelijke Cantates: van Arnstadt tot Köthen. onder red. van Christoph Wolff. Trans. Wim van der Zwan, intro. Ton Koopman. - Abcoude: Uitg. Uniepers, 1995. 238p. ISBN: 90-6825-156-2. [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita