Bach Bibliography
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Series : [ce]MartinLuthersPsalmer
Year : 2008
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Tveit, Sigvald:   Harmoniseringer av Luther-koraler i dansk-norge og norske koralbøker—eksempifisert ved Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu Dir. [ce]MartinLuthersPsalmer (2008), 565-573. [Harmonization of Luther chorales in Danish-Norwegian and Norwegian hymn books, exemplified by Aus tiefer Not Schrei ich zu dir] [examples from Johann Walter (1524), Joachim Decker (1604), Johann Sebastian Bach (ca. 1740), Frederik Christian Breitendich (1764), Niels Schiørring (1781), Hardenack Otto Conrad Zinck (1801), Ole Andreas Lindeman (1838), Ludvig Mathias Lindeman (1877), the Koralbok for den Norske Kirke (1926), and the Norsk Koralbok (1985)]
2. Selander, Sven-Åke; Hansson, Karl-Johan (eds.):   Martin Luthers psalmer i de nordiska folkens liv: Ett projekt inom forskarnätverket Nordhymn. Lund: Arcus, 2008. 799p. ISBN: 978-91-88553-16-4. [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita