Bach Bibliography
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Series : [ce]Marshall
Year : 1989
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach, Johann Sebastian. [ce]Marshall (1989), 3-20. [Repr from Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, II, pp.556-561]
2. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach the Progressive: Observations on His Later Works. [ce]Marshall (1989), 23-58, 295-303. [Repr. from MQ, lxii (1976), pp.313-357] (pp.54-58 is a postscript)
3. Marshall, Robert L.:   Bach's Orchestre. [ce]Marshall (1989), 59-63, 303. [Repr. from EarlyM xiii (1985), pp.176-179]
4. Marshall, Robert L.:   On Bach's Universality. [ce]Marshall (1989), 65-79, 303-304. [Repr. from Martin Heckscher et al (ed.), The Universal Bach: Lectures Celebrating the Tercentenary of Bach's Birthday. Fall 1985. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1986, pp. 50-81] [BWV 78]
5. Marshall, Robert L.:   'Composing Scores' and 'Fair Copies'. [ce]Marshall (1989), 83-110, 304-305. [Repr. of 'Introduction' in Cantata Autographs in American Collections, New York: Garland publishing 1986, pp. vii-xv] [BWV 131, 10, 33, 171, 112, 97, 9, 118]
6. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Sketches. [ce]Marshall (1989), 111-129, 305-308. [Repr. of 'Musical sketches in J. S. Bachs cantata autographs', in Studies in music history; essays for Oliver Strunk, ed. Harold S. Powers, Princeton, N.J.; Princeton U.P, 1968, pp.405-427] [BWV 117, Anh. 2, 232, 29, 183, 198, 133, 215, 39]
7. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Autograph Score of Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht, BWV 105. [ce]Marshall (1989), 131-142. [Repr. of 'Commentary', Johann Sebastian Bach, Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht (BWV 105). Faksimile nach dem Partiturautograph der Deutschen Staatsbibliothek Berlin mit einem Nachwort hrsg. von Robert Marshall. Leipzig: Zentral-Antiquariat der DDR; Neuhausen-Stuttgart: Hänssler, 1983, pp. 5-7]
8. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Genesis of an Aria Ritornello: Observations on the Autograph Score of 'Wie zittern und wanken,' BWV 105/3. [ce]Marshall (1989), 143-159, 308-312. [Repr. from Studies in Renaissance and Baroque music in Honor of Arthur Mendel. - Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter; Hackensack, NJ: Joseph Boonin, 1974, pp.165-182]
9. Marshall, Robert L.:   On the Origin of the Magnificat: A Lutheran Composer's Challenge. [ce]Marshall (1989), 161-173, 312-313. [Repr. from Bach Studies, ed. Don Franklin. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988, pp.3-17]
10. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Mass in B Minor: The Autograph Scores and the Compositional Process. [ce]Marshall (1989), 175-189, 313-314. [Repr. of 'Beobachtungen am Autograph der h-moll-Messe: Zum Kompositionsprozeß J. S. Bachs', MKirche, l/5 (1980), pp. 230-239]
11. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Autograph Fair Copies of the Fantasia per il Cembalo, BWV 906. [ce]Marshall (1989), 193-200, 314-316. [Repr. of 'Introduction', Johann Sebastian Bach, Fantasia per il Cembalo. BWV 906. Facsimile Edition. Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1976, pp. [2-7]]
12. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Compositions for Solo Flute: A Reconsideration of Their Authenticity and Chronology. [ce]Marshall (1989), 201-225, 316-328. [Repr. from JAMSoc, xxxii (1979), pp.463-498] Postscript, p.225.
13. Marshall, Robert L.:   'Authentic' Performance: Musical Text, Performing Forces, Performance Style (A Review Essay). [ce]Marshall (1989), 229-239, 328-331. [Repr. of 'Reviews of Records. Johann Sebastian Bach: The Complete Cantatas.' [Vols. 1 and 2 of the Telefunken Series, Nikolaus Harnoncourt and Gustav Leonhardt, conductors], MQ, lix (1973), pp.145-159]
14. Marshall, Robert L.:   'Editore traditore': Suspicious Performance Indications in the Bach Sources. [ce]Marshall (1989), 241-254, 331-333. [Repr. of 'Editore traditore: Ein weiterer 'Fall Rust'?', in Wolfgang Rehm (ed.), Bachiana et alia Musicologica. Festschrift Alfred Dürr zum 65. Geburtstag am 3. März 1983. Kassel [u.a.]: Bärenreiter, 1983, pp. 183-191] Postscript, p. 254.
15. Marshall, Robert L.:   Tempo and Dynamics: The Original Terminology. [ce]Marshall (1989), 255-269, 333-337. [Repr. of 'Tempo and Dynamic Indications in the Bach Sources: A Review of the Terminology', Peter F.Williams (ed), Bach, Handel, Scarlatti Tercentenary Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press 1985, pp. 259-276]
16. Marshall, Robert L.:   Organ or 'Klavier'? Instrumental Prescriptions in the Sources of the Keyboard Works. [ce]Marshall (1989), 271-293, 337-339. [Repr. of 'Organ or 'Klavier'? Instrumental Prescriptions in the Sources of Bach's Keyboard Works', in George B. Stauffer and Ernest May (eds.), J. S. Bach as Organist. His instruments, music and performance practices. - London: B. T. Batsford Ltd., 1986, pp. 212-239]
17. Marshall, Robert L.:   The Music of Johann Sebastian Bach. The Sources, The Style, The Significance. New York: Schirmer Books, 1989. xxiii, 375p. [contents]

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