Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : [ce]Dreyfus
Year : 1996
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Dreyfus, Laurence:   What is an Invention? [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 1-32; 247-249
2. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Composing against the Grain. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 33-58; 249-250
3. Dreyfus, Laurence:   The Ideal Ritornello. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 103-133; 250-251
4. Dreyfus, Laurence:   The Status of a Genre. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 103-133; 251-254
5. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Matters of Kind. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 135-168; 254-256
6. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Figments of the Organicist Imagination. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 169-188; 256-257
7. Dreyfus, Laurence:   On Bach's Style. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 189-218; 258-259
8. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Bach as Critic of Enlightenment. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 219-244; 258-260
9. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Bach and the Patterns of Invention. [ce]Dreyfus (1996), 270p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita