Bach Bibliography
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Series : [ce]CPEBachStud
Year : 1988
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Berg, Darrell M.:   C. P. E. Bach's Character Pieces and his Friendship Circle. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 1-32
2. Clark, Stephen Lewis:   The letters from C. P. E. Bach to K. W. Ramler. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 33-41
3. Darbellay, Etienne:   C. P. E. Bach's Aesthetic as Reflected in his Notation. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 43-63
4. Davis, Shelley G.:   C. P. E. Bach and the Early History of the Recapitulatory Tutti in North Germany. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 65-82
5. Fillion, Michelle:   C. P. E. Bach and the Trio Old and New. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 83-104
6. Fox, Pamela:   The Stylistic Anomalies of C. P. E. Bach's Nonconstancy. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 105-131
7. Hogwood, Christopher:   A Supplement to C. P. E. Bach's 'Versuch': E. W. Wolf's 'Anleitung' of 1785. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 133-157
8. Kulukundis, Elias N.:   C. P. E. Bach in the Library of the Singakademie zu Berlin. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 159-176
9. Lee, Douglas A.:   C. P. E. Bach and the Free Fantasia for Keyboard: Deutsche Staatsbibliothek Mus. Ms. Nichelmann I N. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 177-184
10. Ottenberg, Hans-Günter:   C. P. E. Bach and Carl Friedrich Zelter. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 185-216
11. Schulenberg, David:   C. P. E. Bach in the 1740s: The Growth of a Style. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 217-231
12. Serwer, Howard J.:   C. P. E. Bach, J. C. F. Rellstab, and the Sonatas with Varied Reprises. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 233-243
13. Stevens, Jane R.:   The 'Piano Climax' in the Eighteenth-Century Concerto: An Operatic Gesture? [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 245-276
14. Wade, Rachel W.:   Filiation and the Editing of Revised and Alternate Versions: Implications for the C. P. E. Bach Edition. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 277-294
15. Wollenberg, Susan:   A New Look at C. P. E. Bach's Musical Jokes. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 295-314
16. Clark, Stephen Lewis:   C. P. E. Bach in literature: A Bibliography. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), 315-335
17. Clark, Stephen L. (ed.):   C. P. E. Bach Studies. [ce]CPEBachStud (1988), xv, 346p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita