Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : [ce]18cKeyboardM
Year : 1994
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Libin, Laurence:   The Instruments. [ce]18cKeyboardM (1994), 1-32. [Headings: Idioms and Instruments; Social Contexts; The Industry Constriction, Mechanisms, Ranges; The Harpsichord; The Clavichord; The Piano; The Organ; Carillons and Other Keyboard instruments]
2. Badura-Skoda, Eva:   Aspects of Performance Practice. [ce]18cKeyboardM (1994), 33-67. [Headings: Problems of Text and Notation; Tempo; Rhythm; Ornaments; Improvised Embellishments; Authenticity and 'Original' Sound; Early Use of the Cembalo con martelli; Good Execution: Music as Language and Rhetoric]
3. Marshall, Robert L.:   Johann Sebastian Bach. [ce]18cKeyboardM (1994), 68-123. [Headings: The Repertoire; Bach's Instruments; The First Decade, ca. 1703-1713: Apprenticeship and Early Mastery; The First Synthesis: 1713-1723; The Second Synthesis: Leipzig, 1726-1741; The Final Decade]
4. Schulenberg, David:   Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. [ce]18cKeyboardM (1994), 191-229. [Headings: Bach's Keyboard Style; Organization and Editions of Bach's Keyboard Works; Bach's Keyboard Works]
5. Freeman, Daniel E.:   Johann Christian Bach and the early Classical Italian masters. [ce]18cKeyboardM (1994), 230-269. [Headings: The Repertory; Social Function, Social Status; The Founders of the Venetian Tradition: Marcello, Alberti; Early Classical Style Contemporaries of Marcello and Alberti; Mid-Century Developments; The Italian Keyboard Sonata Abroad; The Accompanied Sonata; Johann Christian Bach]
6. Marshall, Robert L. (ed.):   Eighteenth-Century Keyboard Music. New York: Schirmer, 1994. xvi, 443p. ISBN: 0-02-871355-9. - Prentice Hall, 1994, 384p. (= Studies in Musical Genres and Repertories) - 2nd edn in paperback from Routledge, 2003. ISBN: 0415966426. [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita