Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : UnderstandingBach
Volume : 4
Year : 2009
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Maul, Michael:   New Evidence on Thomaskantor Kuhnau's Operatic Activities, or: Could Bach have been allowed to compose an Opera? UnderstandingBach 4 (2009), 9-20
2. Scheitler, Irmgard:   Passion and Drama in German Literature. UnderstandingBach 4 (2009), 21-31
3. HaCohen, Ruth:   The Dramaturgy of Religious Emotions in Bach's Cantatas: Aristotelian Process in Neoplatonic Frames. UnderstandingBach 4 (2009), 33-54
4. Kubik, Reinhold, Legler, Margit:   Rhetoric, Gesture and Scenic Imagination in Bach's Music. UnderstandingBach 4 (2009), 55-76
5. Shabalina, Tatiana [Shabalina, Tat'jana]:   Recent Discoveries in St Petersburg and their Meaning for the Understanding of Bach's Cantatas. UnderstandingBach 4 (2009), 77-99
6. Smaill, Peter:   Bach among the Heretics: Inferences from the Cantata Texts. UnderstandingBach 4 (2009), 101-118
7. Mincham, Julian:   Relationships between Text and Music in the 'hybrid' Recitatives of Bach’s second Leipzig Cantata Cycle. UnderstandingBach 4 (2009), 119-133

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita