Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : StudMcol
Volume : 73
Year : 1985
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Herz, Gerhard:   J. S. Bach's Impact on the World Around Him. StudMcol 73 (1985), 1-18.
2. Herz, Gerhard:   Sebastian Bach's Survival in the Age of Rationalism. StudMcol 73 (1985), 19-50.
3. Herz, Gerhard:   J. S. Bach and the Church Music of the Age of Rationalism: A Style-Critical Comparison of Bach's St. Matthew Passion and C. H. Graun's Tod Jesu. StudMcol 73 (1985), 51-66.
4. Herz, Gerhard:   Johann Sebastian Bach in the Early Romantic Period. StudMcol 73 (1985), 67-110.
5. Herz, Gerhard:   BWV 131: Bach's First Cantata (1970). StudMcol 73 (1985), 127-148.
6. Herz, Gerhard:   Toward a New Image of Bach (1970/71). StudMcol 73 (1985), 149-186.
7. Herz, Gerhard:   The Performance History of Bach's B Minor Mass (1973). StudMcol 73 (1985), 187-204.
8. Herz, Gerhard:   Thoughts on the First Movement of Johann Sebastian Bach's Cantata No.77 (1974). StudMcol 73 (1985), 205-220. [BWV 77/1]
9. Herz, Gerhard:   Lombard Rhythm in the Domine Deus of Bach's B Minor Mass (1974) StudMcol 73 (1985), 221-229.
10. Herz, Gerhard:   Lombard Rhythm in Bach's Vocal Music (1978). StudMcol 73 (1985), 233-268.
11. Herz, Gerhard:   Essays on J. S. Bach. [partially based on PhD diss., Zürich, Univ., 1934]. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI Research Press, 1985. xxxi, 276p. ISBN: 0-8357-1475-6. (= Studies in Musicology, 73) [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita