Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : HarvardPubM
Volume : 22
Year : 2008
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Blackbourn, David:   The German Eighteenth Century: Marking Time. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 3-15
2. Christensen, Thomas:   Fundamenta Partiturae: Thorough Bass and Foundations of Eighteenth-Century Composition Pedagogy. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 17-40
3. Danuser, Hermann:   Mishmash or Synthesis? On the Psychagogic Form of The Creation. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 41-78
4. Sisman, Elaine:   Six of One: The Opus Concept in the Eighteenth Century. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 79-107
5. Butt, John:   Bach's Passions and the Textures of Time. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 111-120
6. Chafe, Eric T.:   Bach and Hypocrisy: Appearance and truth in Cantatas 136 and 179. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 121-143
7. Durante, Sergio:   Tartini and his Texts. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 145-186
8. Melamed, Daniel R.:   The Evolution of 'Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär' BWV 80/5. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 189-205
9. Schulze, Hans-Joachim:   Bach and Mozart: From the Perspective of Different Documentary Evidence. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 207-216
10. Wollny, Peter:   On Johann Sebastian Bach's Creative Process: Observations from His Drafts and Sketches. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 217-238
11. Zaslaw, Neal:   One More Time: Mozart and his Cadenzas. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 239-249
12. Konrad, Ulrich:   On Ancient Languages: The Historical Idiom in the Music of Wolfgang Amadé Mozart. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 253-278
13. Strohm, Reinhard:   Eighteenth-Century Music as a Socio-Political Metaphor? HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 279-296
14. Webster, James:   The Century of Handel and Haydn. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 297-315
15. Wheelock, Gretchen A.:   Mozart's Fantasy, Haydn's Caprice: What's in a Name? HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 317-341
16. Hogwood, Christopher:   The Clavier Speaks. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 345-370
17. Koopman, Ton:   Ten Years of Bach Cantatas. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 371-377
18. Levin, Robert D.:   Mozart's Working Methods in the Keyboard Concertos. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), 379-406
19. Kelly, Thomas Forrest; Gallagher, Sean (eds.):   The Century of Bach and Mozart: Perspectives on Historiography, Composition, Theory and Performance. In Honor of Christoph Wolff. HarvardPubM 22 (2008), xii, 427p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita