Bach Bibliography
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Series : EastmanStudM
Volume : 118
Year : 2014
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Todd, R. Larry:   Mendelssohn and the contrapuntal tradition. EastmanStudM 118 (2014), 15-39.
2. Mercer-Taylor, Peter:   Mendelssohn and the legacy of Beethoven's ninth: Vocality in the 'Reformation' symphony. EastmanStudM 118 (2014), 61-88.
3. Little, William A.:   Mendelssohn and the Organ. EastmanStudM 118 (2014), 91-110.
4. Stinson, Russell:   Some observations on Mendelssohn's Bach recital. EastmanStudM 118 (2014), 111-121.
5. Thistlethwaite, Nicholas J.:   'He ought to have a statue': Mendelssohn, Gauntlett, and the English organ reform. EastmanStudM 118 (2014), 122-140.
6. Davidsson, Hans:   Mendelssohn's sonatas, op. 65, and the Craighead-Saunders organ at the Eastman School of Music: Aspects of performance practice and context. EastmanStudM 118 (2014), 141-210.
7. Wolff, Christoph:   The Bach tradition among the Mendelssohn ancestry. EastmanStudM 118 (2014), 213-223.
8. Thym, Jürgen (ed.):   Mendelssohn, the organ, and the music of the past: Constructing historical legacies. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester, 2014. x,339p. ISBN: 978-1-58046-870-1; 978-1-58046-474-1. (= Eastman studies in music, No. 118) [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita