Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : BachNotesLBS
Year : 2005
Show full details : ON
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Steinitz, Margaret:   Bach Report. Bach/Mendelssohn St.Matthew Passion (QEH) (1829 Berlin revival) OAE/Norrington. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2005), [1].
2. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   New Bach Aria discovery. 'Alles mit Gott und nichts ohn' ohn', BWV 1127. BachNotesLBS (Sep 2005), [1].
3. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   'Bach and the Dresden Connection': JSB and the Patron's Art. 4-13 November 2005. BachNotesLBS (Sep 2005), [1]. [The London Bach Society's 15th annual Bachfest]
4. [Steinitz, Margaret]:   Leipzig -- city of fairs, culture and for today. A pen portrait. BachNotesLBS (Sep 2005), [2-3].
5. Steinitz, Margaret:   Pen Portraits I - Dresden. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2005), [2-3]. State Capital, City of History and Culture; Old and New - A city of taste and fashion; Architectural gems; Famous churches & musical heritage; Frauenkirche restored; The Dresden Trust.
6. Steinitz, Margaret:   The Dresden Connection... Bach presents The Missa in 1733. BachNotesLBS (Sep 2005), [2].
7. Steinitz, Margaret:   Awakening & Reconciliation. 2005 in Perspective. BachNotesLBS (Mar 2005), [2]. 1945 in Perspective - Cold War distance.
8. Tomita, Yo:   Leipzig, a City of Festivals. Bachfest'05- a view from the pew. BachNotesLBS (Sep 2005), [3-4].

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita