Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : Bach
Volume : 17
Year : 1986
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Schenbeck, Lawrence:   Tempo and Rhythm in Bach's Cantata Ouvertures. Bach 17/1 (Jan 1986), 3-17
2. Payne, Thomas B.:   Musical Terminology in the Contrapuntal and Canonic Works of J. S. Bach. Bach 17/1 (Jan 1986), 18-35
3. Linton, Michael:   Bach, Luther, and the Magnificat. Bach 17/2 (Apr 1986), 3-15
4. Smith, Timothy A.:   More Evidence of Numeral-Logical Design in Bach's St.Matthew Passion. Bach 17/2 (Apr 1986), 24-30
5. Collins, Timothy:   Observations on the Origins and Influences Leading to Bach's Idiomatic Writing for the Trumpet in Grosser Herr o starker König from the Christmas Oratorio. Bach 17/2 (Apr 1986), 31-45
6. Ambrose, Jane:   Notations on Mattheson's Der Brauchbare Virtuoso. Bach 17/3 (Jul 1986), 3-9
7. Konecni, Vladimir J.; [Konečni]:   Bach's St. Matthew Passion: A Rudimentary Psychological Analysis, Part I. Bach 17/3 (Jul 1986), 10-21 Latin 2
8. Bostrom, Kerry L.:   The Use of Recitative and the Communal Style in the Solo Cantatas of Dietrich Buxtehude. Bach 17/3 (Jul 1986), 22-32
9. Konecni, Vladimir J.; [Konečni]:   Bach's St. Matthew Passion: A Rudimentary Psychological Analysis, Part II. Bach 17/4 (Oct 1986), 3-16 Latin 2
10. Stinson, Russell:   Bach's Tercentenary Issues of Periodicals: A Selected Bibliography. Bach 17/4 (Oct 1986), 17-23
11. Barber, Elinore:   Bach's 'Incomplete' Quadruple Fugue from Die Kunst der Fuge (1752-Edition Print Held by the Riemenschneider Bach Institute.) Bach 17/4 (Oct 1986), 24-29
12. Heinrich, Adel:   Heretofore Unpublished Conclusions for the 'Incomplete' Quadruple Fugue (Die Kunst der Fuge) Project. Part I: Adel Heinrich's 1986 Contribution. Bach 17/4 (Oct 1986), 30-41

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita