Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

The keys being searched are:
Series : AmerOrganist(2)
Volume : 17
Year : 1983
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Herman, Kenneth:   The Bach Revival Revisited. AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 1 (Jan 1983), 42-44
2. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of J. S. Bach--I. AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 1 (Jan 1983), 45-47
3. Beechey, Gwilym:   Notes on some Selected Organ Pieces by J. S. Bach. AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 1 (Jan 1983), 47-48
4. Sabatier, François:   Schumann's Organ Works. AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 2 (Feb 1983), 36-38
5. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of J. S. Bach-II. Harpsichord versus Organ in Six Trio Sonatas. AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 3 (Mar 1983), 50-52
6. Zehnder, Jean-Claude:   Organ Articulation in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Part I. AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 7 (Jul 1983), 27-31
7. Williams, Peter F.:   Suggestions for Playing the Works of J. S. Bach--III. BWV 565: A Toccata in d Minor for Organ by J. S. Bach? AmerOrganist(2) 17/ 9 (Sep 1983), 42-47

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita