Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : [p]SMI_Maynooth
Year : 2003
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Kelly, Elaine:   'Faced with the local critics, a Bach work has a difficult time': Brahms as a performer of baroque choral and keyboard music. [p]SMI_Maynooth (May 2003)
2. Leahy, Anne:   'Vor deinen Thron tret ich': the eschatological significance of J.S. Bach's 'Leipzig' chorales. [p]SMI_Maynooth (May 2003)
3. Tomita, Yo:   Pursuit of perfection: stages of revision in Wesley and Horn's 'New and Correct' edition of Bach's '48'. [p]SMI_Maynooth (May 2003)

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BachBib Search Engine 1c Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita