Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Chronologically

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Series : [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach
Year : 1997
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Siegele, Ulrich:   Bach and the domestic politics of Electoral Saxony. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 17-34.
2. Leaver, Robin A.:   Music and Lutheranism. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 35-45.
3. Butt, John:   Bach's metaphysics of music. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 46-59.
4. Butt, John:   'A mind unconscious that it is calculating'? Bach and the rationalist philosophy of Wolff, Leibniz and Spinoza. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 60-71.
5. Crist, Stephen A.:   The early works and the heritage of the seventeenth century. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 75-85.
6. Leaver, Robin A.:   The mature vocal works and their theological and liturgical context. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 86-122.
7. Boyd, Malcolm:   The Bach Family. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 9-16.
8. Breig, Werner:   The instrumental music. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 123-135.
9. Jones, Richard D. P.:   The keyboard works: Bach as teacher and virtuoso. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 136-153.
10. Breig, Werner:   Composition as arrangement and adaptation. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 154-170.
11. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Bachian invention and its mechanisms. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 171-192.
12. Daw, Stephen:   Bach as teacher and model. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 195-202.
13. Stauffer, George B.:   Changing issues of performance practice. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 203-217.
14. Zenck, Martin:   Bach reception: some concepts and parameters. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 218-225.
15. Zenck, Martin:   Reinterpreting Bach in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. [ce]CambridgeCompanion_Bach (1997), 226-250.
16. Butt, John (ed.):   The Cambridge Companion to Bach. Cambridge Univ. Press, 1997. xv, 326p. ISBN: 0-521-45350-X; 0-521-58780-8; 0-521-45962-1. (= Cambridge Companions to Music) [contents]

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita