Bach Bibliography
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TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. A study of three Baroque cantatas for performance: Alla caccia dell'alme e de' cori, RV 670--Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741); Vergnügte Ruh', beliebte Seelenlust, BWV 170--Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750); O numi eterni (La Lucrezia)--George Frideric Handel (1685–1759). DM diss., Northwestern University, 1998. xiv, 269p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1998; Country of Publication. ISBN: 0-493-93158-9. Dissertation No: 3073495. diss. 1998 xiv, 269p
2. The Voice of Luther's Church: Instrumental Cantus Firmus Chorales in Selected Cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach. DMA diss, University of South Carolina, 1998. v, 97p (See Diss. Abstract 59/05-A, Nov. 1998, p.1384) diss. 1998 v, 97p
3. Principy orkestrovogo myslenija I.S. Baha. [Principles of orchestral thinking of J.S. Bach] MA thesis, Nacional'na Muzycna Akademija Ukrajiny im Cajkovs'kogo, Kyjiv, 1998. 20 p. diss. 1998 20p
4. A performing edition of J. C. F. Bach's 'Pygmalion' and some performance considerations based on J. F. Agricola's 'Anleitung zur Singkunst'. DMA. University of Houston, 1998. 198p. Advisor: Matthew Dirst. diss. 1998 198p
5. A Performer's Study of Selected Compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach and Ferderico Moreno Torroba. DMA diss., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1998. 142p. Advisor: William Mac Davis. diss. 1998 142p
6. A Study of Baroque Tempo Practices and Their Applications to the Violoncello Suite No.2 by Johann Sebastian Bach. DMA diss. University of Washington, 1998. 153p (See DissAbstracts 59/06-A, 1958.) diss. 1998 153p
7. The Use of the Oboe and Oboe d'amore in Selected Solo Arias of J. S. Bach. DMA diss., The University of Texas at Austin, 1998, 365p. DissAbstracts 59/02-A. UMI AAI9824844 diss. 1998 365p
8. Musik als Generationsprinzip von Literatur. Eine Analyse am Beispiel von Thomas Bernhards Untergeher. PhD diss., Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, 1998. 414p diss. 1998 414p
9. Johannes Brahms no J. S. Bach Juyo ni tsuite. Enso, Zosho mokuroku, Henkyoku ni tsuite no Jusho Kenkyu. [Johannes Brahms' Reception of J. S. Bach: a study on performance, catalogue of his library and arrangements] Keio University, MA dissertation, 1998. diss. 1998
10. J. S. Bach Recordings 1945-1975: St Matthew and St John Passions, Brandenburg Concertos and Goldberg Variations - A Study of the Changing Style of Performance in the Context of the Early Music Movement. PhD diss., The University of New South Wales, 1998. diss. 1998
11. The Ornamentation of the Four Flute Concerti of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: An Examination of Their Notations According to the Original Manuscripts, and a Discussion of their Executions According to Eighteenth-Century Treatises. DMA Rice University, 1998. 176p. Advisor: Anne Schnoebelen. diss. 1998 176p
12. Which Bach Wrote What? A Cumulative Approach to Clarification of Three Disputed Works. PhD diss., University of Michigan, 1998. 382p. Advisor: David Crawford and Steven Whiting. ISBN: 9780591772449 diss. 1998 382p
13. Articulation in Johann Sebastian Bach's Six Suites for Violoncello Solo (BWV 1007-1012): History, Analysis, and Performance. DMA diss. Cornell University, 1998, 229p. (See DissAbstracts 59/04-A, 1002) diss. 1998 229p
14. Chopin's Twenty-Four Preludes, Opus 28: Historical Background and Performance Considerations. MA diss., San Jose State University, 1998. xii, 111p. diss. 1998 xii, 111p
15. French Baroque Influences on Johann Sebastian Bach's 'Six Suites for Violoncello Solo' with an Emphasis on French Court Dance and Suite V. DMA diss, University of Washington, 1998. 65p diss. 1998 65p
16. A comparison of perceived musicianship and appropriate use of vibrato in professional cello performances by string performers, music majors, and nonmusic majors. PhD diss., University of Kansas, 1998. xiv, 368p. - Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 1999. ISBN: 0-599-31933-X. Dissertation No: 9931933. [BWV 1009] diss. 1998 xiv, 368p
17. Baroque and Classical Style in Selected Organ Works of the BACHSCHULE. PhD, Texas Tech University, December 1998. xii, 362p diss. 1998 xii, 362p
18. Quantz and the Flute at Dresden: His Instruments, His Repertory, and Their Significance for the 'Versuch' and the Bach Circle. PhD diss., Performance Practice, Duke University. 1998, xxxiv, 727p diss. 1998 xxxiv, 727p
19. Arthur Loesser: Pianist, teacher, critic, author. DM diss., Florida State University, 1998. 128p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1999. ISBN: 0-599-09802-3, Dissertation No: 9911448. diss. 1998 128p
20. Music and Rhetoric: The Eloquent Flauto Traverso of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). DMA diss., Performance, Juilliard School, 1998. vii, 164p diss. 1998 vii, 164p
21. J. S. Bach no Sakuhin ni okeru furuto no Yoho to Shinjun Mondai o megutte. [The use of flute and the issue of authenticity in J. S. Bach's works], PhD diss., Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, 1998. 119 leaves. diss. 1998 119p
22. The Influence of the Nineteenth-Century Bach Revival Movement on the piano Works of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Robert Schumann, Clara Wieck-Schumann, and Johannes Brahms. DMA diss, University of Cincinnati, 1998. 130p (See DissAbstracts 59/05-A, 1395) diss. 1998 130p
23. The Anglicisation of Bach. MA diss., University of Wales at Cardiff, 1998. diss. 1998
24. Processi muzikal'nogo tvorcestva: Sravnitel'nij tekstologiceskij analiz. [Process of musical creation: Comparative textual analysis] PhD, Gosudarstvennaja Konservatorija imeni P.I. Cajkovskogo, Moskva, 1998. 45p; 329p. diss. 1998 329p
25. Vermarktungsstrategien für Kulturveranstaltungen als Teilbereich des Event-Marketing, am Beispiel des Bachfestes 1999 in Leipzig. Dipl.-arb., Hochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft und Kultur Leipzig. Leipzig, 1998. 58, ix, p. diss. 1998 58, ix p
26. A Brass Player's Guide to the Transcription and Performance of J. S. Bach's Six Suites for Violoncello Solo. DMA, Performance, University of Washington, 1998. vi, 204 p. diss. 1998 vi, 204p
27. Johann Pachelbel: Organist, Teacher, Composer. A Critical Reexamination of His Life, Works, and Historical Significance. PhD diss., Harvard University, 1998. ix, 384 Bl. diss. 1998 ix, 384 Bl
28. Musik und Transzendenz: Ein philosophischer Beitrag zur Eruierung der geistig-spirituellen Inhalte der grossen abendlandischen Musik (Gregorianik, Bach, Beethoven, und Mozart) PhD diss., Hochschule für Philosophie, München, 1998. St. Ottilien: Erzabtei St. Ottilien, 1998. 403p. ISBN: 3-88096-927-2. diss. 1998 403p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita