Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^AmerChoralReview$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Bach's Mass in B Minor: Some Recent Recordings. AmerChoralReview 5 1 Oct 1962 5, 8-9
2. The Cantatas of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. AmerChoralReview 33 1-2 Winter-Spring 1991 33-39
3. Toward the Bach Tercentenary. AmerChoralReview 25 2 Apr 1983 53
4. Toward the Bach Tercentenary. AmerChoralReview 25 1 Jan 1983 34
5. Bach for Modern Audiences. AmerChoralReview 4 2 Jan 1962 9-11
6. Performance Practice of Bach's Cantatas. AmerChoralReview 16 2 1974 5-33
7. Performance practice of Bach's cantatas. AmerChoralReview 29 3-4 Summer-Fall 1987 25-34
8. Performance Practice of Bach's Motets. AmerChoralReview 29 3-4 Summer-Fall 1987 5-23
9. Performance Practice of Bach's Motets. AmerChoralReview 15 2 Apr 1973 5-25
10. Performance practice of Bach's motets. [I] AmerChoralReview 7 1 Sep 1964 4-5
11. Performance practice of Bach's motets (II). AmerChoralReview 7 2 Dec 1964 6-7, 10, 12
12. Performance practice of Bach's motets (III). AmerChoralReview 7 3 Mar 1965 6
13. Performance practice of Bach's motets (IV). AmerChoralReview 7 4 Jun 1965 8, 10-12
14. Bach versus The Bible. AmerChoralReview 4 3 Apr 1962 12, 14
15. A rediscovered Christmas cantata. AmerChoralReview 36 2 Fall 1994 1
16. Bach's G Minor Mass: Aspects of Parody. AmerChoralReview 40 1 Spring 1998 1-2
17. Bach's Perfection. AmerChoralReview 45 1 Spring-Summer 2003 5
18. Bach's Sopranos. AmerChoralReview 46 2 Summer-Fall 2004 1-4
19. Bach's Oratorios. AmerChoralReview 9 3 Spring 1967 22-25
20. Die Israel ten in der Wüste: An Oratorio by C.P.E. Bach. AmerChoralReview 21 3 Jul 1979 3-8
21. Choral conductors forum: Minimalism. AmerChoralReview 25 3 Jul 1983 12-15
22. Bach Sources in America. AmerChoralReview 25 2 Apr 1983 5-51
23. Concertists and Ripienists: An Old Performance Problem Revisited. AmerChoralReview 29 3-4 Summer-Fall 1987 35-51
24. More on Bach's Cantata No. 4: Date and Style. A reply to Crawford R. Thoburn. AmerChoralReview 21 2 Apr 1979 3-19
25. The Performance Histry of Bach's B Minor Mass. AmerChoralReview 15 1 Jan 1973 5-21
26. Sources and performance of Bach's wedding music. AmerChoralReview 20 3 Jul 1978 3-16
27. Rhythmic Layers and Tempo Relationships in Bach's B Minor Mass. AmerChoralReview 50 1 Winter-Spring 2008 1-8
28. The Bethlehem Bach Festivals: Known and Unknown Repertory. AmerChoralReview 4 1 Oct 1961 1-3
29. Bach choir: Britain and America AmerChoralReview 36 1 Winter-Spring 1994 4
30. Bach choirs of London. AmerChoralReview 37 1 Winter-Spring 1995 3
31. A Bach Repertory for the Classroom. AmerChoralReview 5 3 Apr 1963 10-13
32. Bach and Handel. AmerChoralReview 17 4 Oct 1975 5-40
33. Bach and Handel: Ancillary Rivals. AmerChoralReview 17 4 Oct 1975 37-40
34. Bach's Passion Settings. AmerChoralReview 17 4 Oct 1975 7-10
35. B Minor Mass. AmerChoralReview 17 4 Oct 1975 11-16
36. Performing Bach. AmerChoralReview 17 4 Oct 1975 17-21
37. The Revival of the St. John Passion: History and Performance Practice. AmerChoralReview 31 1 Winter 1989 14-29
38. Albert Schweitzer on Bach's Motets. AmerChoralReview 8 2 Dec 1965 1-2
39. Appendix: Alphabetical and Numerical Listings of Cantatas. AmerChoralReview 29 3-4 Summer-Fall 1987 53-71
40. Bach redivivus. AmerChoralReview 37 1 Winter-Spring 1995 1-2
41. Bach Studies: Approaches to the B Minor Mass. AmerChoralReview 27 1 Jan 1985 3-71
42. Bach--the learned musician: Aspects of Bach biography. AmerChoralReview 44 2 Summer-Fall 2002 6-7
43. Choral conductors forum: Performing Bach's cantatas: Harnoncourt versus Rilling. AmerChoralReview 20 4 Oct 1978 17-20
44. Choral Music in Germany: Bach's Heritage. AmerChoralReview 5 4 Jul 1963 1-2
45. Modern Chorus: The Baltimore Bach Society. AmerChoralReview 4 4 Jul 1962 7
46. New Bach Studies. AmerChoralReview 45 1 Spring-Summer 2003 5
47. On a First American Tour: Bach's St. John Passion. AmerChoralReview 4 3 Apr 1962 1-2
48. The Bach discovery in Kiev. AmerChoralReview 43 1 Winter-Spring 2001 5-6
49. The twentieth-century renewal of Protestant a cappella art. AmerChoralReview 33 2 Summer-Fall 1991 2-6
50. Bach versus The Bible: A Letter from Professor Arthur Mendel. AmerChoralReview 4 3 Apr 1962 12-13
51. Passion Settings of the German Baroque: A Survey. AmerChoralReview 17 1 Jan 1975 12-18
52. The Rhythm in 'Behold the Lamb of God'. AmerChoralReview 28 4 Oct 1986 18-22
53. On Bach's Motets: Introductory Notes. AmerChoralReview 5 3 Apr 1963 1, 7-10
54. Mendelssohn and Bach. Some New Light on an Old Partnership. AmerChoralReview 32 1-2 Winter-Spring 1990 23-28
55. Minimalism: A reply. AmerChoralReview 26 1 Jan 1984 24
56. Henry S. Drinker ; 1880-1965. AmerChoralReview 7 4 Jun 1965 4, 6
57. Henry S. Drinker: An Amateur of Music. AmerChoralReview 4 1 Oct 1961 5-9
58. Choral Conductors Forum: Maximalism. AmerChoralReview 26 1 Jan 1984 20-23
59. Performing Bach en masse. His 1730 'draft' shows desire for more, not fewer, musicians. AmerChoralReview 4 2 Jan 1962 9-10
60. Pachelbel's Christ lag in Todesbanden: A possible Influence on Bach's Work. AmerChoralReview 19 1 Jan 1977 3-16
61. A Passion Cantata by Mendelssohn. AmerChoralReview 25 1 Jan 1983 3-17
62. Choral conductors forum: Performing Bach's choral works. AmerChoralReview 28 1 Jan 1986 17-25
63. Bach's Bible. AmerChoralReview 14 4 Oct 1972 3-11
64. 'Life on a higher pedestal': Otto Dresel's Bach Club (1883-1890). AmerChoralReview 45 1 Spring-Summer 2003 1-4
65. Johann Christian Bach as a Choral Composer. AmerChoralReview 17 3 Jul 1975 21-25
66. On the Origins of Bach's Chorale Texts. AmerChoralReview 16 1 Jan 1974 15-20
67. Bach's cantata Ein feste Burg: History and Performance Practice. AmerChoralReview 24 2-3 Apr-Jul 1982 27-38
68. Et incarnatus and Crucifixus: The earliest and latest settings of Bach's B-minor Mass. I. AmerChoralReview 41 1 Winter-Spring 1999 1-5
69. Et incarnatus and Crucifixus: The earliest and latest settings of Bach's B-minor Mass. II. AmerChoralReview 41 2 Summer-Fall 1999 1-5
70. Leipzig and Dresden: The Protestant Legacy. AmerChoralReview 32 3-4 Summer-Fall 1990 4-82

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BachBib Search Engine 1at Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita