Bach Bibliography
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Author : Schubert, Emery
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Doing without thinking? Aspects of musical decision-making revisited. [cr]Vienna2013 2013 201
2. Performing solo Bach: a case study of musical decision-making. MScientiae 18 1 Mar 2014 35-52
3. An experimental investigation of musical character portrayed by piano versus harpsichord performances of a J.S. Bach excerpt 2005 70-84
4. Expressive devices and perceived musical character in 34 performances of Variation 7 from Bach's Goldberg Variations. MScientiae Special Issue 2003 49-71
5. Musical character and the performance and perception of dotting, articulation and tempo in 34 recordings of Variation 7 from J.S. Bach's Goldberg variations (BWV 988). MScientiae 12 2 Fall-Winter 2008 177-206
6. Performed and perceived dotting are different: Implications for performance practice and pedagogy. [cr]CIM04_Graz 2004 74-75
7. Expressiveness in music performance: Empirical approaches across styles and cultures. [ce]ExpressivenessMPerform 2014 416p
8. The multidimensional perception space of Baroque music. [cr]ESCOM_Keele 2000
9. A new perspective on the performance of dotted rhythms. EarlyM 38 4 Nov 2010 585-588
10. Baroque expressiveness and stylishness in three recordings of the D minor sarabanda for solo violin (BWV 1004) by J.S. Bach. MPerformResearch 3 2009 36-55
11. A Taxonomy of Listeners' Judgements of Expressiveness in Music Performance. [ce]ExpressivenessMPerform 2014 283-303
12. The dimensions of baroque music performance: a semantic differential study. PsycholM 34 4 2006 537-587
13. The perception of dotted rhythms and the kerning illusion. [cr]ESCOM_Keele 2000

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BachBib Search Engine 1at Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita