Bach Bibliography
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Author : Sanders, Reginald L.
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Zum Text und Kontext der 'Keiser'-Markuspassion. BachJb 85 1999 35-50
2. Compositional Choices and Meaning in the Vocal Music of J. S. Bach. Edited by Mark A. Peters and Reginald L. Sanders. - Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018. xxi, 328p. ISBN: 978-1-4985-5495-4 (Hardback); 978-1-4985-5496-1 (eBook) ContextBachStud 8 2018 xxi, 328p
3. ABS 2002 Biennial Meeting Houston, Texas, April 26-28. AmerBachSocNL Fall 2002 1
4. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's ensemble for liturgical performances at the Hamburg principal churches. HamburgJbMw 18 2001 367-403
5. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach und die Musik im Gottesdienst der Hamburger Hauptkirchen. CPEBachKonzepteSR 3 1 2001 104-121
6. Die Hamburger Kirchenmusikreform von 1789 zwischen Tradition und Aufklärung. Übersetzung: Stephanie Wollny. BachJb 100 2014 75-95
7. Die Israeliten in der Wüste / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Edited by Reginald L. Sanders. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2008. xxxiv, 138p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-34-9. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series IV: Oratorios and passions, Volume 1) [Wq 238] CPEBachCW 4 1 2008 xxxiv, 138p
8. Einführungsmusiken IV / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Edited by Reginald L. Sanders. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2013. xlvi, 273p. ISBN: 978-1-933280-82-0. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series V: Choral Music, Volume 3.4) [H 821h, H 821i, H 821k] CPEBachCW 5 3.4 2013 xlvi, 273p
9. Formal and Motivic Design in the Opening Chorus of J. S. Bach's Magnificat. ContextBachStud 8 2018 121-137
10. Miscellaneous Sacred Works III / Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Edited by Reginald L. Sanders. - Los Altos, CA: Packard Humanities Institute, 2018. xxx, 234p. ISBN: 978-1-938325-33-5. (= Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: The Complete Works. Series V: Choral Music, Volume 6.3) [H 818, BWV 102 arr. C.P.E. Bach, H 818.5, H 819] CPEBachCW 5 6.3 2018 xxx, 234p
11. Newly Discovered Manuscripts are the Earliest Known in Bach's Hand. BachNotesABS 6 Fall 2006 8
12. The Israelites in Hamburg and London: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's Die Israeliten in der Wüste and Handel's Israelite oratorios. GöttingerHändelBeitr 11 2006 235-246
13. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and liturgical music at the Hamburg principal churches from 1768 to 1788. PhD diss., Yale University, 2001. 316p. - Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 2001. ISBN: 0-493-43837-8; 978-0-493-43837-5. Dissertation No: 3030822 diss. 2001 316p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita