Bach Bibliography
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Author : Kirkendale, Warren
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Antonio Caldara: life and Venetian-Roman oratorios. Ursula Kirkendale. [Teilw. zugl.: Bonn, Univ., Diss., 1961] Rev. and transl. by Warren Kirkendale. - Firenze: Olschki, 2007. 552p. ISBN: 978-88-222-5714-7. (= Historiae musicae cultores, 114) HistMCultores 114 2007 552p
2. Ciceroniani contro Aristotelici sul ricercare come Exordium, da Bembo a Bach. [Ciceronians versus Aristotelians on the ricercar as exordium, from Bembo to Bach] StudiMusicali 26 1 1997 3-54
3. Ciceronians versus Aristotelians on the ricercar as exordium, from Bembo to Bach. HistMCultores 113 2007 33-85
4. Ciceronians versus Aristotelians on the Ricercar as Exordium, from Bembo to Bach. JAMSoc 32 1 Spring 1979 1-44
5. Circulatio-Tradition, Maria Lactans, and Josquin as Musical Orator. ActaMcol 56 1 Jan-Jun 1984 69-92
6. Fuge und Fugato in der Kammermusik des Rokoko und der Klassik. mit einem Nachwort von Jens Peter Larsen. Tutzing: Schneider, 1966. 379p 1966 379p
7. Fugue and Fugato in Rococo and Classical Chamber Music. Revised and expanded second edition translated from the German edition by Margaret Bent and the Author. Durham, N. C.: Duke Univ. Press, 1979. xxvii, 383p. 1979 xxvii, 383p
8. KV 405: Ein unveröffentlichtes Mozart-Autograph. MozartJb 1962-63 1964 140-155
9. Mehr Licht. Berichte und Kleine Beiträge. [Entgegnung auf: Andreas Holschneider: Zu Mozarts Bearbeitungen Bachscher Fugen. - In: Die Musikforschung 17 (1964), S. 51 - 56] Mf 18 2 Apr-Jun 1965 195-199
10. More Slow Introductions by Mozart to Fugues of J. S. Bach? JAMSoc 17 1 Spring 1964 43-65
11. Mozart barocco. [fs]Dunning65 2002 403-414
12. On the Rhetorical Interpretation of the Ricercar and J. S. Bach's Musical Offering. StudiMusicali 26 2 1997 331-376
13. On the rhetorical interpretation of the ricercar and J.S. Bach's Musical offering HistMCultores 113 2007 87-124
14. The Baroque Mozart. HistMCultores 113 2007 487-499
15. The 'Great Fugue' Op. 133: Beethovens 'Art of Fugue'. ActaMcol 35 1 Jan-Mar 1963 14-24
16. The Great fugue op. 133: Beethoven's Art of the fugue. HistMCultores 113 2007 545-561
17. De Quintilien à Bach: L'Institutio oratoria de Quintilien--Source de l'Offrande musicale de Jean-Sébastien Bach. [cr]Paris2009 2011 87-173
18. Music and Meaning: Studies in Music History and the Neighbouring Disciplines. Florence: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2007. xi, 643p. ISBN-13 9788822256591. (= Historiae Musicae Cultores, 113) HistMCultores 113 2007 xi, 643p

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita