Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : BachPerspectives
Volume : 4
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Max number of results shown : 300
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthorTitle [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Butler, Gregory G.The Question of Genre in J. S. Bach's Fourth Brandenburg Concerto. BachPerspectives 4 1999 9-32
2. Butt, JohnBach Recordings since 1980: A Mirror of Historical Performance. BachPerspectives 4 1999 181-198
3. Koster, JohnThe Harpsichord Culture in Bach's Environs. BachPerspectives 4 1999 57-77
4. Mann, AlfredIntroduction: Bach's Orchestral Music. BachPerspectives 4 1999 3-8
5. Oleskiewicz, MaryThe Trio in Bach's Musical Offering: A Salute to Frederick's Tastes and Quantz's Flutes? BachPerspectives 4 1999 79-110
6. Renwick, William39. Praeludia et Fugen del Signor Johann Sebastian Bach? The Langloz Manuscript, SBB Mus. ms. Bach P 296. BachPerspectives 4 1999 137-158
7. Schulenberg, David (ed)The Music of J. S. Bach. Analysis and Interpretation. BachPerspectives 4 1999 x, 208p
8. Schulenberg, DavidVersions of Bach: Performing Practice in the Keyboard Works. BachPerspectives 4 1999 111-135
9. Swack, JeanneModular Structure and the Recognition of Ritornello in Bach's Brandenburg Concertos. BachPerspectives 4 1999 33-53
10. Walker, PaulFugue in the Music-Rhetorical Analogy and Rhetoric in the Development of Fugue. BachPerspectives 4 1999 159-179

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BachBib Search Engine 1at Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita