Bach Bibliography
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Series : [p]SMI_DIT
Year : 2007
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Jarvis, Martin W. B.:   BWV 1127 - new evidence from a Forensic Document Examination which may also have implications for the question of who wrote the Six Cello Suites. [p]SMI_DIT (May 2007) Paper read at the fifth annual conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland held at DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama, 11-13 May 2007.
2. Mills, Ian:   Extracting Performance Clues from Mus. Ms. Bach P 271: An Assessment of Micro and Macro Corrections Found in Two Chorale Preludes from the Leipzig Autograph. [p]SMI_DIT (May 2007) Paper read at the fifth annual conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland held at DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama, 11-13 May 2007.
3. Nic Athlaoich, Róisín:   Suite No. 1 for Solo Cello by J.S. Bach: The Performance and Interpretative Value of Schenkerian Analysis. [p]SMI_DIT (May 2007) Paper read at the fifth annual conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland held at DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama, 11-13 May 2007.
4. Quinn, Michael:   'Preserved for Musical Posterity': The Impetus for the Early Publications of Bach's Chorales. [p]SMI_DIT (May 2007) Paper read at the fifth annual conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland held at DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama, 11-13 May 2007.

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