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Series : [p]BNUK_Oxford
Year : 2006
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Kuijken, Barthold:   Bach's Chamber Music with Flute: a 'hands-on' approach to fact and fiction. [p]BNUK_Oxford (Dec 2006) A paper read at the Second J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting 'New Directions in Bach Studies' at Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, 9-10 December 2006.
2. Lloyd, Rebecca:   Bach: Luther's Musical Prophet? [p]BNUK_Oxford (Dec 2006) A paper read at the Second J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting 'New Directions in Bach Studies' at Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, 9-10 December 2006.
3. Rose, Stephen:   The musician-novels of the German Baroque: new perspectives on Bach's world. [p]BNUK_Oxford (Dec 2006) A paper read at the Second J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting 'New Directions in Bach Studies' at Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, 9-10 December 2006.
4. Tatlow, Ruth:   Collections, bars and numbers: Analytical coincidence or Bach's design? [p]BNUK_Oxford (Dec 2006) A paper read at the Second J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting 'New Directions in Bach Studies' at Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, 9-10 December 2006.
5. Varwig, Bettina:   One more time: Bach and Seventeenth-Century Traditions of Rhetoric. [p]BNUK_Oxford (Dec 2006) A paper read at the Second J. S. Bach Dialogue Meeting 'New Directions in Bach Studies' at Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, 9-10 December 2006.

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