Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Alphabetically

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Series : [p]AMS
Year : 2000
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Dirst, Matthew:   Redefining the 'Natural': Eighteenth-century Bach Criticism and the Ideal of 'Unity in Diversity'. [p]AMS_Southwest (Oct 2000)
2. Ferris, David:   C.P.E. Bach's Rondos and the Subversion of Genre. [p]AMS_Toronto (Nov 2000)
3. Garcia, Thomas George Caracas:   Popular Music and Bach in Villa-Lobos's Compositional Process: The Bachianas Brasileiras. [p]AMS_SouthCentral (Apr 2000)
4. Plebuch, Tobias:   Dark Fantasies and the Dawn of the Self: New Light on Gerstenberg's Lyrics to C.P.E. Bach's C Minor Fantasy. [p]AMS_Toronto (Nov 2000)
5. Reul, Barbara M.:   Occasional Music at the Court of Anhalt-Zerbst: J. S. Bach and J. F. Fasch as Composers of the Geburtstagsmusiken. [p]AMS_PacificNorthwest (Apr 2000)
6. Sisman, Elaine:   C.P.E. Bach, Beethoven, and the Labyrinth of Melancholy. [p]AMS_Toronto (Nov 2000)
7. Tatlow, Ruth:   Numerical ordering in Bach's church cantatas. [p]AMS_Toronto (Nov 2000)
8. Wolff, Christoph:   The Berlin Sing-Akademie Archives Recovered in Kiev: New Perspectives for Bach Scholarship. [p]AMS_Southwest (Oct 2000)
9. Wolff, Christoph (chair); Schulze, Hans-Joachim; Leisinger, Ulrich; Wollny, Peter:   The Rediscovered Berlin Sing-Akademie Library in Kiev: Its Impact on Bach Studies and Editions. [p]AMS_Toronto (Nov 2000)
10. Wyatt, Henry:   The 'Quoniam' of J. S. Bach's Mass in B Minor as a Sublime Conceit. [p]AMS_GreaterNewYork (Oct 2000)

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BachBib Search Engine 1 Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita