Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Alphabetically

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Series : [p]AMS
Year : 1995
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Beller-McKenna, Daniel:   Musical Homage vs. Cultural Criticism: Brahms's Motet Warum ist das Licht gegeben?, op. 74, no.1, and Bach's Cantata Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106. [p]AMS_Southeast (Sep 1995)
2. Cogan, Robert:   Musical Performance in a Spectrographic Mirror: Bach and Verdi from Casals to Pavarotti. [p]AMS_NewYork (Nov 1995)
3. Dirst, Matthew:   An Authenticity Grounded in Tradition: Czerny on Bach. [p]AMS_Southeast (Sep 1995)
4. Ferris, David:   C. P. E. Bach's Paragraph on Modulation: A Defense of Improvisational Style. [p]AMS_Southeast (Sep 1995)
5. Hoffman, William:   Bach's Recitative Self-Borrowing. [p]AMS_NorthernCalifornia (Apr 1995)
6. Leisinger, Ulrich:   C. P. E. Bach's Pasticcio Passions: New Findings and Their Consequences. [p]AMS_NewYork (Nov 1995)
7. Mansure, Victor:   J. S. Bach's Allemandes: Stylistic Norms, Variant Styles, and Possible Stylistic Chronology. [p]AMS_Southeast (Sep 1995)
8. Marissen, Michael:   Lutheranism, Anti-Judaism, and Bach's St. John Passion. [p]AMS_MidAtlantic (Oct 1995)
9. Marissen, Michael:   Performance Practice Issues that Affect Meaning in Selected Bach Instrumental Works. [p]AMS_MidAtlantic (Apr 1995)
10. Richards, Annette:   Fantastical Landscapes: C.P.E. Bach's Free Fantasias and the Musical Picturesque. [p]AMS_Southeast (Sep 1995)

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita