Bach Bibliography
Search Result - Ordered Alphabetically

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Series : [p]AMS
Year : 1990
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor: Title, Series, Vol/No (Year/Month/Date of Publication), PagesStatus
1. Bloch, Robert Samson:   The Art of the Fugue: A Humanist View. [p]AMS_PacificSouthwest (Apr 1990)
2. Burns, Lori:   J. S. Bach's Mixolydian Chorale Harmonizations. [p]AMS_Oakland (Nov 1990)
3. Bush, Douglas:   The Bach Chorales in the Neumeister Collection: Observations on Style and Repertory. [p]AMS_RockyMountain (Mar 1990)
4. Butler, Gregory G.:   J. S. Bach's Gloria in Excelsis Deo (BWV 191): Music for a Leipzig Dankfest. [p]AMS_PacificNorthwest (Mar-Apr 1990)
5. Cowdery, William:   J. S. Bach's Cantata 61, Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, and His Audition for Halle in 1713. [p]AMS_NewYorkState (Sep 1990)
6. Dreyfus, Laurence:   Bach and the Pursuit of Contemplative Time. [p]AMS_Oakland (Nov 1990)
7. Gray, Dorothy Landis:   Mein Herze Schwimmt im Blut: A Miniature Baroque Opera, Bach Cantata BWV 199. [p]AMS_Capital (Mar 1990)
8. Melamed, Daniel R.:   J. S. Bach and the Altbachisches Archiv. [p]AMS_Oakland (Nov 1990)
9. Miller, Leta E.:   C. P. E. Bach and the Process of Structural Ornamentation. [p]AMS_Oakland (Nov 1990)
10. Renwick, William:   When Motive and Mode Diverge: Bach's Manualiter 'Kyries' from Clavierübung III. [p]AMS_NewYorkState (Sep 1990)
11. Rifkin, Joshua:   Bach's Choral Ideal. [p]AMS_NewEngland (Sep 1990)
12. Stauffer, George B.:   Once Again: Bach's So-Called B-Minor Mass. [p]AMS_Capital (Apr 1990)
13. Stevens, Jane:   J. S. Bach's Harpsichord Concertos: A Question of Genre. [p]AMS_Oakland (Nov 1990)
14. Whaples, Miriam:   Bach's Recapitulation Arias. [p]AMS_NewEngland (Sep 1990)

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita